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Posted on 26.1.2011 16:26 clock
My hard disk recorder (Sony RDR-HX710) has given up the ghost (I suspect that the built-in power supply is gone, certainly looks as if the part gets no power). If the power supply is not resuscitate, otherwise I would have to somehow try to save the recorded programs. Did not have much hope, but I just ask again: Does anyone have even the hard disk clamped from a Sony HDD recorder to a computer? If you ran the data or is it an esoteric format so that you can remember? fabrizio campanelli And if the device can not be saved: What can you recommend as a new purchase?
IIRC Sony uses a proprietary format, at least I had read somewhere, I have not had to try it. Wg new purchase: If you on Digital TV (DVB-C fabrizio campanelli / S) switch want: DreamBox, IPBox etc. (Linux, fabrizio campanelli open source firmware, standard file system & standard file formats (MPEG-TS), fabrizio campanelli external way to access the files ( that best Ethernet port & FTP / Telnet server). At Analog TV, I was the same) always very satisfied with the Sony recorder fabrizio campanelli (I had. previously had a Philips, there were more problems. however, is already a few years ago.
Try on a try on the PC. As long as you can formatierst not nothing ever happened. If it does not go on Windows, probiers best times with a live CD of Ubuntu or something, maybe Linux can read the system yes. But anyway is probably FAT/NTFS/EXT3 or so on it, why would someone invent the wheel and invent their own system (I doubt it, that would be her bike round ;-)). In my old recorder it was as NTFS.
If it is just the power supply, but buying a new one. If this is not quite so exotic connection, it must also not necessarily be an original power supply, because they are certainly expensive pork. Universal Power Supplies (eg or if it should be a little stronger, function in such things usually quite well (if voltage and current are not too unusual), unless accompanied by a matching connector. fabrizio campanelli When the device is no longer to save and you do not mind a little tinkering, you could indeed you even a small PC for something tinker deal. I did that in my case, and I am quite impressed fabrizio campanelli them, especially as it also can do other nice things. Will there now but do not bother with details. It has to not be the best hardware. A few slightly older and like to use reconditioned parts - at least one hard drive to recycle You could have been - and that you had a TV card, and broadly what you want. The device is (at least for me) not particularly unusual: it runs a normal Windows 7 with a TV software and a few settings that make the whole thing on TV more usable (for example, all UI elements are twice as large). Controlled is the part with me with a Logitech diNovo (, which is still cheaper for certain things, but also because it does any cheap wireless keyboard mouse combo.
I'll use their PC! Having two TV cards for recording. Sure enough, fabrizio campanelli the old chest also ne one has ne eh still standing around or cheap from Ebay for 50 . As a tool I'll use DVB Viewer Recording Service with the plugin. So can schedule recordings fabrizio campanelli via mobile phone on the move, the computer automatically moves from the idle state for the record and then goes to sleep again. On television I watch the recording then via UPnP with NEM Fantec Media Player ... When the installation is perfectly first, nothing hotter than gibts ne clear broadcasts programming from a web interface! The whole hard disk recorder stuff is far too cumbersome and restricted fabrizio campanelli functions fabrizio campanelli of the ...
At times to answer the real question: With digital recordings is not great recoded, but simply saved the incoming signal. fabrizio campanelli That is, the recordings are in mpeg-ts or mpeg-ps format. Usually with the extension. Dvr that can be unpacked played with appropriate tools or. Another question is whether Sony has the stored signal provided with a copy protection, then that is vinegar with watching on the PC. Google just search for your recorder + "Recording format" or similar.
@ Riker: Thank you! @ Zuppi: The power supply does not turn depends on the plug, but is fixed in the device

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