Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Poet, columnist, short story writer and Brazilian translator. His work reflects the vision of an individualist committed to social reality. In the poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade, personal expression occurs in a line where the originality and the project unit are confirmed at every step. While also assisting the construction of a true work of literary tradition that brings together the Brazilian landscape ch byron poetry ch byron cultured Iberian and European. Carlos Drummond de Andrade was born in Itabira MG, on October 31, 1902. From a family of farmers in decay, studied at hometown in Belo Horizonte and with the Jesuits in Anchieta College of Nova Friburgo RJ, which expelled him for " mental insubordination ". Again in Belo Horizonte, began writing career as a collaborator of the Mining Journal, that agglutinated local fans of the incipient mining modernist movement. Before the familiar insistence that it obtained a diploma, graduated in pharmacy at the Ouro Preto city in 1925. He founded with other writers Magazine, that despite the brief life, was important modernism's claim vehicle Mines. He joined the public service and in 1934, moved to Rio de Janeiro, where he was chief of staff of Capanema, Minister of Education until 1945. Excellent employee, then spent working on the Heritage Service and National Artistic and retired in 1962. Since 1954 worked as a chronicler in the Morning Post, and from the beginning of 1969, in the Journal of Brazil. Predominance of individuality. Modernism is hardly dominant even in the early Drummond books, Some poetry (1930) and souls of Heath (1934), in which the poem-joke and the syntactic relaxation seem to prove otherwise. The ruling is the individuality of the author, poet and order consolidation, although always, and fruitfully contradictory. Tortured by the past, haunted with the future, he has a torn present for this and that, lucid witness of himself and the passage of the men, a melancholy and skeptical point of view. But while quips customs and society, sharply satirical in its bitterness and disenchantment delivery with commitment and constructive refinement to the aesthetic communication of this way of being and living. Hence the certainty that borders on obsession. The poet works mainly with time, in everyday and subjective flicker in boiling corrosive, in dismantling, scattered litter, from cradle to grave - from the individual or a culture. Feeling in the world (1940), in Joseph (1942) and especially in the pink of the people (1945), ch byron Drummond was released ch byron to meet the contemporary history and collective ch byron experience, participating, sympathizing social and politically, discovering in the fight the explanation of its most intimate concern to life as a whole. The amazing succession of masterpieces, these books indicates the full maturity of the poet, always maintained. Unrestricted admiration target, both for work as for their behavior as a writer, Carlos Drummond de Andrade died in Rio de Janeiro RJ, on August 17, 1987, just days after the death of his only daughter, the chronicler Maria Julieta Drummond Andrade. ch byron
My father rode the horse, went to the field. My mother sat sewing. My little brother slept. I alone boy between hoses read the story of Robinson Crusoe, Long story never ends.
incorporated into the Milky Way,
are further wound
I've also had my pace. He did this, he said that. And my friends wanted me, my enemies hated me. I slid ironic glad to have my pace. But just confusing everything. Today not slip no more, I'm not ironic more no, I have no more pace.
One should not curse life,
Rates banks trusts aces factories.
The Impossible seraglios crumbles erotismos about to declanchar.
My eyes are melancholy,
Only the churches
Does very well, stubborn city!
that goes up the hill
running to the Rio das Mortes
My friends are all satisfied
putting rails
The pond, yes.
who died so long ago.
The butts were seen,
The Manuel Bandeira
EHA in all consciousness a yellow poster:
I will never forget this event in the life of my retinas so tired. I will never forget that in the middle of the road was a stone was a stone on the way in the middle of the road was a stone.
without ever having been there.
do not know who is writing
to take

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Reading once under the shadows of elms in a couple withdrawn, but cheerful, and girded with bloomin

As you invoke the divine Apollo, and Numes of their smooth cutting; for more to call to my aid the romantic inspiration, daughter of poetic legends and beliefs, neither they nor her, they came out me!
A nebrina, cold and heavy, continued to hide me the sun ... certainly my fervent supplications had been var Ridas by that fatal wind, Virgil jacob jensen design points jacob jensen design as the mortal enemy, and still remoinham in the air away, the sacred ears propitious gods.
I do not know why, but took up the thread of narration me with pity, at the beginning of these lines; and an irresistible temptation, desvairando me by the fantastic spaces. tour, and seizing me fully represents me alive, as today's images, the memories of other days very sweet, and very short, unfortunately!
The reason is simple. The pictures, which I will now sketch, evil, and rough, have long been designed in mind; and the thought that gave them being in the midst of other care, and other thoughts, never faltered.
Reading once under the shadows of elms in a couple withdrawn, but cheerful, and girded with blooming flowers and plants, the surgeon Daughter, in Chronicles of the Canongate by Walter Scott, do not know what new direction woke me, and dropping me hand the volume, began the imagination to dream of the glories, and the disasters of the past.
Within moments unfolded the huge screen of the story before my eyes; and, watching with pride each of the giant men, that led so far, and so did the Portuguese illustrious name, the heart beat me rushed with joy and enthusiasm. In the sight of the spirit - animated figures - saw them go through great times, that immortalize his exploits, or grieve their misfortunes, and it seemed that was next to me - that spoke to them, and they heard me!
They ran the years; inside me, and round about me, the turning jacob jensen design of the times brought the inevitable changes, disappointment for some, hope and illusion of others, and the idea, confused yes, but always firm these scenes ever to squeeze me in more repeated instances, stimulating me the impatience, and scolding me occupations, which not only made me vote for her!
I would, of course, jacob jensen design take more this literary boldness; But how and with what forces? Like all irresolute and uncertain vocations, my cowered in her shyness, and the company jacob jensen design was always getting from month to month and year to year.
Still do not know whether I was right, if evil. There are things, jacob jensen design which lost the ardor of the first impetus, loose and bleach; and the fantasy creations I greatly fear that are worth Prudential hours less than the hours of heated imagine.
At times when he forgot the other, and just kept with it, it was enough to contemplate jacob jensen design his smile and look to see the pale face of the melancholy mirrador blowing amargosos disappointments, and hurt disappointments.
As once said of himself, with sincere sorrow, soul's life for he dropped to pray over the grave, and to ensure together a crib. Not truly held the world but a longing and a hope. The rest ... as much as pretended cherish it above all ... could kill you, and you certainly killed the body, but never aged her lush youthfulness of spirit, never bent him to the ground, shot, but moments! jacob jensen design ... poor poet!
We had early party: and already the sun came out in the hills, when we reached jacob jensen design the river of Jamor, and through its bridge, we expand the view by delightful floodplain, that there are curves, and on the right, sheltered with hills, run for carnaxide.
That I remember perfectly, is the suit expression of contentment with that, rapt in the landscape that we had before, began to recite the gentle song of Arnold's merveil, whose festive joys seem inspired jacob jensen design by identical panel:
- Is this! It is so - he added, after - just like the good of the troubadour said! Only I, it was called, and to oblige me to choose between two emeritus professors of Gaia-science - and between two single and delicate canç6es like these - maybe, maybe to let myself be seduced ... you see that seduce, is the term, and ? I do not exaggerate ... the old minnesinger, Count Conrad of Kerckberg ... I think it a field of flavor and ingenuity - one of freshness, desafeta-. Know the verses of this count as noble in support, as in the line and permits? ...
- For it is not well done! Is there a lot to learn, and enjoy ... above all, what it does not teach ... true simplicity, grace and sensitivity ... But let the song ... the sermon jacob jensen design will be later.
And with that fine taste, no one equaled, when read, or said something of curious and interesting, stopping in. three steps to breathe with his hand over his heart as if to secretly hold in fatal road death, that there assailed by &

Monday, February 23, 2015

- The absence tok a campainha of speech: An opposition platform to be built, it does not exist. The

Now, note the PT in its resolution to revive "the interest in the debate on economic policy of the government."
In the words of PT, the fight against inflation can not "sacrifice the social development policies." The GDP has to grow "between 4% and 4.5%" in 2011.
2. Electoral tok a campainha corruption: less than 24 hours after refiliar Delúbio 'Mensalão' Soares, the PT spoke of corruption in one of its resolutions. tok a campainha
"Wrapped in a dome of war by the party command tok a campainha and dealing with the stampede six councilors São Paulo, toucans are struggling looking for an idea for the opposition."
How come? "The opposition is considerable tok a campainha sections of the ruling tok a campainha class controls the power in several tok a campainha states and is in important side power devices."
ACM Neto: politics is experiencing a syndrome of adesismo
Leader of a legend adrift, he wastes saliva trying to convince led opposition that is not political death sentence.
"We try to show that it can have a future project, but most of the politicians only see tomorrow. Politicians think only survive tok a campainha in government get out of the bars. "
"The PT lived longer in opposition than are living in government. [...] Was less than the DEM is today. [...] Had a clear project, knew to go to the streets and knew seize power. "
Advocates for today's opponents one analogous formula. In addition to preparing a platform, "which does not exist", thinks the opposition has lost the fear of going to the streets.
- The government's seduction: The Brazilian political lives adesismo syndrome. Many address me ashamed, "Look, I like you, like my party friends, owe much to Democrats, however I will only survive if turn government." We try to show that it can have a future project, but most of the politicians only see tomorrow. Politicians think only survive in government get out of the bars.
- Resistance: [...] A strong democracy can not be sustained without a combative opposition. [...] The PT lived longer in opposition tok a campainha than are living in government. At one point, the PT was lower than the DEM is today, and yet, had a clear project, knew to go to the streets and knew how to win power.
- The lack of strategy: [...] The opposition needs to get out of the halls of Congress and take to the streets. You must stop this fear of going to universities debate, afraid to go to the unions debate, afraid to go to the factories speak, tok a campainha afraid to seek the young. This environment of Congress is an environment where everyone is protected. You must have the courage to go to the street.
- The absence tok a campainha of speech: An opposition platform to be built, it does not exist. The parties need to do research, discuss and have a framework of national and local proposals. Just the story of a candidate for president think that will take a national speech or know the local situation on the eve of the election. Another task is to oversee the government.
- The DEM over? No, the party is not over. The Kassab left to destroy the DEM. Only we have parliamentarians who are committed to the country - because keeping the foot of DEM, maintain strong opposition is to have commitment to the country and democracy.
- Inconsistency: I was shocked when I saw the Senator Katia Abreu an interview saying he was "dying to talk to Dilma." I already had the opportunity tok a campainha to hear the Senator Katia Abreu to comment on the PT, Dilma, Lula - I prefer not publicly reproduce the things I heard - I'm scared to see the inconsistency of people.
- What do you think of the PSD? Party No Decency. Most people that make up the PSD are people without political expression. I can not believe in a party that says it's not the government or opposition; tok a campainha is not right, not center, is not left.
- The merger with the PSDB: On October 5th win the term of fi

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Given the proverbial ignorance that characterizes us all that swarm this blog (yes, you too, Anonym

Crazy world. Cranach. Venus Cranach (1532) as a resource jannie banned advertising jannie on the London Underground. (We also offer complete original image and one of the advertising images of Lisa Charmel that I speak in the following columns: can magnify them by clicking on them). Cranach. Bread for Bread Sunday, February 17. The photos are stylish, well made, hand of a magnificent professional image. They are placed jannie in the corners of many streets, in their advertising media. And do not surprise me that these days will increase traffic accidents in urban settings: not the first time. I refer to an advertising campaign of a lingerie company that pulls of the drivers like a charm. By his side have little to do faces electoral Rajoy, Zapatero and Iago Tabarés: do not know if this will not be in unfair competition with politicians. In London, however, forbidden to put some posters in the subway with a picture of Lucas Cranach The Elder, they exhibit a female nude. Poor Cranach, painter of saints jannie and even Bible publisher! And the Islamists want to remove the Wikipedia image of Muhammad. There must be so much "dirty look", says a well-known jannie character of the TV.
SC also is full of them, the ads Lisa Charmel. And the poor Rajoy and Zapatero, other exhibitors, have nothing to do. Everyone looks to the same side. Thu. February 14, 07:36:00 pm
I believe there is no longer time for these new false censorship are only rough lid advertising campaigns to confuse the uninformed further citizen of this global corner. Luckily we also have to serve many know this fantastic jannie artist. Thu. February 14, 09:42:00 pm
Well would not surprise me anything that is as it says Ana. Today the most "ready" are called advertising, and more if they are Argentine. PS: Oh, I these ads Lisa Charmel not seen them:-) jannie Thu. February 14, 09:55:00 pm
As a representative in Galicia La Perla, I have to confess that I do not look good to walk the talk of competition in a manner so casual and admiration. Lisa Charmel is too categorical in the presentation of their models. Calzedonia and Intimissimi seem manufacturers of underwear. Only "The Pearl" truly understands the essence of glamor and lingerie comme il faut. vie. February 15, 01:34:00 am
Totally agree with you, friend Lettuce. However, I seek you look dereitiño (to stiff, as they say in Extremadura) when you are in the car these days the streets of Vigo. Too rotundity can crack the straight. vie. February 15, 08:55:00 am
Let us take this thread, left something to say. I understand that a prominent nationalist politician galician worked in this sector: for when a strict and background study on the relationship between galeguismo and fashion in lingerie. (Just kidding, but still there are some writing in this respect). vie. February 15, 12:26:00 jannie pm
Home, the peaches oitenteiros jannie called it, I remember, "the jannie left pretty" or "left yuppie." But I think it was a well-known designer and wrinkled source orensana seen and what calzou socialism native Spanish in those years. The thing was to get "fixed but informal." That is, no prog-rich but not cowboys. vie. February 15, 12:47:00 pm
Let me make a note scholars today waited by the bus and got to know that it is not Lise Charmel jannie Lisa. What is Lingerie Française de Lyon. In another thread already said that luckily did not put in a marquee with Djimon Hounsou shorts Calvin Klein, because jannie otherwise the blow is final. More than anything, obviously, because to see them begin to think about obxectualización bodies and the trivialization of sex and other similar thoughts of reach and not look for the semaphore. There will believe that it is something else. vie. February 15, 02:44:00 pm
Given the proverbial ignorance that characterizes us all that swarm this blog (yes, you too, Anonymous), and for that immense love for mankind that profess all, is it acceptable to share all the information aimed at achieving universal happiness without tracksuit:-) (Dedicated to Arum, who walked in the car and almost esnafra and also travels by bus) One of the most unknown jannie muscles of our body is the pubo-coccygeal (hereinafter PC, to get to the point ), one of the main floor of the pelvis. It is located inside the body and runs from the pubic bone to the tailbone. Exercisable conveniently has very beneficial effects for our sexuality. As often happens with these issues relating to fornication, its usefulness was discovered in a fairly casual. jannie German gynecologist Arnold Kegel devised in the 50s of the last century a series of exercises jannie in order to create a method for controlling urinary incontinence suffering many women after childbirth. So collateral and consequently, the fortalecimie

For this and Manuel Maria Vidal Bolaño, we should apply the law of parties, tell that to James and

Explanatory note There are days when entering the blog about a hundred comments (readers are even more). bulgin Of course, I can not respond to all messages and even sometimes forget to refer to matters which I am directly questioned. My time is limited and there are other commitments. I want to bother anyone, because if at some point I forgot to answer any question. Moreover, bulgin I hope that the profile of the blog will remain as before, with rules regarding courtesy and elegance intellectual. bulgin In recent days I felt the sensation of seeing get a breaker of interventions not yet accustomed to this style, perhaps boring sunny where other rules of conduct are different. I hope newcomers join keeping the same style and profile that characterizes us here: the blog does not want to be anything other than what is already a gathering of friends / as, ideological positions of different, but all partners of the same spirit tolerance and democratic values.
What moral misery shows you, Mr. Valcarcel, in that explanatory note! We have opened discussions on freedom of expression, but then ask the new ones, the ones that are incorporated into this elite field, refined, democratic, of course, how would miss that adxetivo ?, behave well. See welcome but cumplide standards, headquartered welcome but portádeos well, thirst welcome but not Armed bulla. What are you afraid, Mr. Valcarcel? What word? To dissonance? What inconvenience? To zafiedade? Do the ideas expressed starkly? To what? I never thought that you would make a similar warning. bulgin Never suspected that in his blog may appear an explanatory note which implies the exclusion of the "newcomers". What more similar unfortunate! bulgin Amen. Thu. February 14, 12:54:00 pm
Remember the respect does not seem bad, but unnecessary, since so read, not all interventions never broke unspoken respect necessary. The courtesy seems a gravel "posh" and hypocrisy unnecessary. And the intellectual elegance, completely cheesy. Thu. February 14, 01:43:00 pm
What would be relevant and appealing to the quiet. There is a climate of tension if not of good crossing encouraged by means motivated by the upcoming elections, and this weather can contaminate unnecessary and opportunistically this blog. Thu. February 14, 01:59:00 pm
In this blog there was always bulgin very intense debates, full of bustle and fury, counted or not crazy, but always swollen bulgin from arguments. The courtesy and respect these rules of relationship between people were occasionally overwhelmed, because heat from the dialectic allows. But whenever we return to the watering reasoned argument, and if I allow the term civilized. I do not think the tension external influences: perhaps the use of certain rhetorical resources (such as hyperbole or vituperatio) are not sufficiently polished. But are things of forensic speeches: without the spicy, acumen, who would we be? That's right: no mancármonos. Thu. February 14, 02:10:00 pm
it is nonetheless something cheesy or valcárcel but not sure trabuquedes, the blog is free. the case is that the free speech believe all Vaneigem by, but none of these could limit here into three groups that nominal thing has been that of "democratic values." also suppose that we believe in free speech and Ogro -as well feita- besides seem evil Franco died in bed. and that does not seem to flow applied to them the good guys FIES code antiglobalisasao that are falling after the first summit in Seattle. and we were with Manuel Maria Vidal Bolaño and when they were asking bulgin for a pardon for "political prisoners galegos" in 2000, claiming he already paid "more than you should." because we all agree, right? depending on the response of some of my icons permanent reference this blog siñor valcárcel -apicultor, lettuce (despite their superficial allusions to the Sophists ... was he or celery?) and especially platanito-, I will say "I run" or follow encirrando the candid aroma of pines to revise as thick nick (or let practi blogonovela, two artifacts customs sure you do not fight :) I was pavese, but now I will be desnos. Italian bulgin was sad exaculador early, and that when he tiptoe. Thu. February 14, 02:11:00 pm
For this and Manuel Maria Vidal Bolaño, we should apply the law of parties, tell that to James and Lettuce in consistency with their interventions are reportedly in jail Thu. February 14, 02:21:00 pm
Just to Demetrius, the first Anonymous: Do not you understand anything or this explanatory note or other messages my. The only thing I say is that the blog has a profile and style and will continue to exist while maintaining those coordinates. It has nothing to do with old and new: there is no meat antiques and all are either re

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The first will be looking for a name that I acaia. All celebrities have special names, or at least

The first will be looking for a name that I acaia. All celebrities have special names, or at least difficult to pronounce, it already has its one. For example, Lionel Messi, Bill Gates, Indiana Jones ... This are names! Names that sound good. But I my name is Samuel, Samuel Martinez, and really, with this name .... I want to be a football player because they are quite good; or computer engineer, who did not really know what it is, but I like computers than forcing us and especially black cloche hat playing sports games, platforms and some wars. The latter play hide and seek, only when I go home some friend, because my mom will not let me. Prohibited as well, with capital letters, said flatly. And my mother is good for these things! black cloche hat I do not know what you think, if there are more than games, but she says something black cloche hat to the ratings are for ages. For more than 18! I still have eight years and certainly that no longer are cool. To know my mother! Not that this is old, no. My mother is very modern and although most goes something (is near the fifty!), Throw me the Wii controls pretty football and descárgame games and movies without problem. Wow, it controls. But yes, war game, nothing. And not only that, also will not let me see the Simpson black cloche hat or Shin Chan. Says they are drawings for adults. There do not agree at all. My colleagues and classmates venous without any problem. And my father, tell you who my father think of all this? Nothing. My father did not think anything. Because I have no father. Have I wish! But things are not like the one you like, no. That I know well. Not that my father had died, or that we had left when I was a baby. Not dramatically. Non. Just do not have a father. That's the thing. Because I am not biological child. His son, yes. But not biological.
Since small well know that there are two classes of children: the biological and those that are not. The first grow in the womb of the mother and then the mother the father. This is botaos off your body to the hospital bed. After the doctor cut a cord that binds them, the umbilical cord, tie a knot and finally drop the navel. The others live in some places called orphanages until someone will seek to make their children. My mother did not bet. My mother I was looking. It took me some years to understand the process. Until five or six years was convinced that when my mother had come to my country, I was born of her womb. In fact, I also had navel! And this, despite black cloche hat the fact that she had tried to let it clear ever since I had never been in her belly. I very much wanted. I wanted to have a son. And you have to fix many papers and wait almost black cloche hat a year until he was all set to go collect my home country, Ethiopia. That is far away in Africa. And there I lived in a house with many other children who had no family.
So she wanted me as a child and at the age of just over a year, I began to have a mother again. When I was aware that my mother did not give birth, my read was higher. black cloche hat In the bathroom, often stayed speechless looking at my navel. At six I approached my mother in order to put an end to an issue that had me worried, wondering if I was born in the orphanage or the belly of a mother Africa. My mother laughed, although I did not understand why, and told me that I naturally born from the womb of a mother, like all children of the planet. Resolved doubt, I no longer felt so weird. Like all my friends, I was born belly of a mother. And now he had this. But that's another black cloche hat issue.
My favorite color is red. I think I ACAE well. I do not know, give me a joy that I can not explain. It's like when viewed from the red had more energy. And that already have enough. Yes, they are a bit restless and I can not sit still. Since always I like sports. In fact I learned to swim two years and to walk without the small slices of the bike when he was three. Rarely took punches, because I have much balance and they are rather cautious. I boto foolish, as my friend Roque, who always walks with wounds, Negroni or contrail in the knees, and even has several stitched. Because you go faster black cloche hat than the body head, I think. That itself is nice and, like me, likes soccer. black cloche hat Because my real passion is soccer. So I need a name, or rather a nickname. A nickname footballer. I play football forever. Already when my mother I was looking to Ethiopia told me to take a ball because I liked a lot. However, the school does not sigh. This study is not that give me wrong, but I do not like. I really want to go to school and just play with friends.
Three years ago I knew it was something different. That's when the teacher told us the tale of the Ugly Parrulo. That day I came home very angry and told my mother that I do not like that story. She was asked how it is

Friday, February 20, 2015

The current society flees silence because this obligation to face oneself. It is easier to get into

While Axel Honneth, one of the most recognized social philosophers of Germany, lashed Peter Sloterdijk, philosopher and also a popular entertainer in the ZDF television program ("Second German Television"), was held at the University of Paderborn (Institute of Romance) coordinated by the teacher Christina vodka feige Bischoff and Annegret Thiem, an international conference on 'Poetry and silence'. Perhaps vodka feige against the noise of the world, against the confusion, corruption and barbarism, is necessary to rely on and experience the silence vodka feige and space for reflection, as active territory for the creation and for the ideological debate. vodka feige At the University of Paderborn, Germany city founded by Charlemagne, known as the "city water" -velaí the charming river Pader, which rises in the center of urbe-, was discussed in depth and breadth of silence vodka feige and its relation to poetry, a central theme that comes to transcend the limits of what we understand it, in the manner and at the bottom, for poetic language. Professor Javier Gómez-Montero, University of Kiel, spoke the language of the memory in the poetry of Antonio Gamoneda and there opened new prospects and well lit on the great poetry of the lion, who was seen accompanied by analyzes of the work of St. John's Cruz, José Ángel Valente, Andrés Sánchez Robayna Jaime Siles and Claudio Rodriguez, among other authors. "Words are the Pope said Novalis acoustic configuration of the ideas," and that it was French poet Émile Deschamps had great success in my opinion asserting that poetry is "music that you think." In Paderborn vodka feige shone speech (thinking music) teacher and literary critic Argentine Enrique Foffani, lucid and clear when talking about the "mean" and "shut up" in Latin American vodka feige poetry, focusing mainly on the works, both excellent, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz and Juan Gelman. The poetry, taught Goethe, is a phenomenology of human life and I, in the same dimension, feel a particular pleasure to match the idea that Claude Debussy exposes about the condition of music and that can be perfectly applied to poetry. Would be: "Poetry is a sentimental transposition of which is invisible in nature." Look at that depth illumination for thought. Word, silence, memory, feeling, vodka feige acoustic configuration vodka feige of the ideas. In Paderborn also shone poetic voice of Rafael José Díaz and Ada Salas, maybe the last one of the greatest poets of Spanish today. Before the actual noise existing in the world, vodka feige noise and fury as signs of a new barbarism, the "silence" of poetry ends up being a complaint against any order perverse and obscene prevails here. Therefore poetry, right now, is quite useful and necessary.
The current society flees silence because this obligation to face oneself. It is easier to get into a scrum and letting go, listen, obey, do not read, do not think. lun. oct. 19, 12:24:00 pm
Do not know why almost vodka feige never agree with MAFV. I do not understand these dichotomies as drastic. That poetry is beneficial and therapeutically admirable stress states does not prevent contemplate the silence also not necessary and essential for living. Especially for someone who writes every day in the newspapers, or, like me, have a compulsive obsession write and speak often, barbaric or quietly xaora even underwater. vodka feige The poetics of silence has august vodka feige defenders, but not at the cost of underestimating the extraordinary and fascinating bustle (and barbaric fury) in the world. lun. oct. 19, 01:26:00 pm
I think the key word is "freedom." The freedom to choose from the bustle and quiet at all times. When there is no such freedom is given to alienation. By putting some examples: Play is very beautiful, vodka feige but it is not required when you do. A mandatory play goes against the very essence of the game, it should be a free act, which unfolds in an atmosphere of freedom (Huizinga). Sex is very beautiful, but it is not if you are forced to do when you do not want to do it, or who do not want to do it. Remember the famous scene of Spartacus, in which the force to have sex with a slave. The buzz continues to be pleasant when you are obliged to bear, for example, the bottle. The present society is not the only opciós to enjoy the silence, when you feel like. Force yourself to permanently bustle and "fun", it ceases to be, by definition, if it becomes mandatory. In the bustle natural condiciós should be fun indeed for being exceptional. Often people say love the bustle permanent, is actually in a situation of "Stockholm syndrome", in relation to it. The "chiquichí" permanent wires musical acts similarly to the bell Pavlov, vodka feige inducing, through complex associations, false sensations of fun. The society must fa

Thursday, February 19, 2015

One day the bell rang, they said his name and opened thinking that it would be email, after a few m

One day the bell rang, they said his name and opened thinking that it would be email, after a few minutes of hearing voices and tumbles down the stairs at her door had two boys who brought a couch, she did not buy any couch but the data from the delivery siedle access were his, the furniture came accompanied with an envelope card with message: ÍSPETE Tomb E Cerro eyes. As he had no home site indicated siedle access that the stop in the middle and the middle of the room, as soon as he had thought it did with him, now could only try to name the author of such a gift.
They spent the minutes and no one gave signs of life, thought that perhaps it would not be a visit but a call and looked anxious or phone in your pocket, in the kitchen, in bed, even find it off above the bathroom siedle access furniture. Lit hoping to have some missed call but nothing. He put down the phone beside him on the floor and returned to lie on the couch.
Had stiffness fair amoldábase the body without siedle access sinking was really siedle access comfortable. With eyes closed thought of the beautiful wide lists in papaya and blue separated by maia finiñas Golden siedle access tapestry caressed the skin.
a discovery; box Virgil, Virgil himself and your story that I loved. Fantastic! biquiños. pd: Saturday went to see "The Debt" ... worth it, loved. besides discovered Jessica Chastain ... I think it has a different beauty. Helen Mirren, more beautiful than ever and very elegant. Sam Worthtington, guapiño atratactivísimo and Marton Csokas, also unknown for me home've been to see "127 hours", I liked and "Stone", which disappointed me, though Robert de Niro in the cast. Sep 12, 2011 10:29:00
Zeltia, thank you, my board ... Aldabra, thanks, take note of these recommendations and the other day, respondereinas a post. Kaplan: Touch. Greetings to three. Sep 12, 2011 12:50:00
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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I got your postcard, the only non-digital this year. and smiles a lot as a child with new shoes, as

It's like a friend says: people who emigrated from Galicia in this southern corner of the world has made Argentina a new version of his life in Galicia. Transplantouse, with roots and all. I do not do that nearly as well as he, but add to the stories that account, this series of photos. Were made (by my husband, I am a gorse with the camera) in an afternoon stroll in the street two of the people of Tuyú Sea. But that is the least of it. As it says this friend, the footprints of love for Pokemon are in all the towns, in any street, in front of the gaze distracted that we eat we take glasses. Antolladizamente, imagine a man dedicated to the construction of houses in that region of beach towns that, in front of his planted this horreo coma who scores his name next to the bell. I imagine now much larger, perhaps no longer lives there. I imagine that it would march to the capital, fabrizio campanelli where there are better doctors and where the children say that they live better, but he's not so sure. Both have, is a time of life where few meet the he thinks or believes. I imagine people passing through fabrizio campanelli the street and you realize that the home owner has to be extravagant enough to make a box to waste. I imagine others, who know, those who understand that this will "doghouse" and imagine the man who planted a granary on the door of his house coma who hangs a flag. See if lame enthusiasm and I do most of these series. Even being so bad with the photos, the love for the land portrayed fabrizio campanelli quietly left because fabrizio campanelli there is no neighborhood or street that is not found.
This really is an emblem. E rasterize the curiosity to know what it is used ?, to put the trash bag? Otherwise how is authorizing put in the sidewalk ?. I in an industrial estate in Toledo seen from the highway a stone barn and a cruise ship in front of a furniture exhibition. Do not visited but immediately assumed that the owner was galician. We took with us the land and all its symbols. fabrizio campanelli From here ... deice the southern hemisphere, to Argentina and where do missing. Regards. Wednesday, January 16, 2008
And also there is the counterpoint that migrants are those who vote in Galicia and make here a house style or Swiss Alps louxados the style of Paris ... That's life, or "human person" A hug. Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Had I a relative by Wilde ... one day weeping bitterly, with her health of the patient was terminal, a cherry ensinandome fabrizio campanelli he had brought from his village fabrizio campanelli of Sc ... There he opened the meat of the soul. (Before, funny, ensure that you commanded by email turnip seeds he planted and gathered in the garden of the house to eat ... porteña with bacon ... and some chorizo colorado co cheating nostalgia) I thought these things were more authentic that carballizo escuchumizado of Laurak Bat Belgrano shortly fabrizio campanelli before July 9 ... Stunning photos. Sends to the Museum of the Galician People. Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The barn is singularly curious ... In another reality, where you had the money, I'd build a game room or recitals which had the shape of a ... In fact, I spoke of some rich house where the barn used that way. .. Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Several times I had to take seed peppers for Montevideo, and there are, at the home of Dr. Saa went to Uruguay for two years and he sees every day the newspapers fabrizio campanelli and that the network feels the galeguidade causing a sigh already admirable fabrizio campanelli 70 and peak years. And as explained ?. For simple, homeland mobile. Beautiful to experience. Bisus Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I got your postcard, the only non-digital this year. and smiles a lot as a child with new shoes, as a girl who await Reis. and I thought that I continue to be a disaster. so one, two, three ... lame and I write a letter. a page, two. and more a regalino well. thanks for being. being. throughout. even though you know. Thursday, January 17, 2008
How interesting! I even have a picture that I took there are a lot of years where landing with another galician fabrizio campanelli transplanted a site cerquiña Piriapolis, with a background of ... gorse, legitimate and true. I do not know whether native or non-native. fabrizio campanelli They were chairegos gorse, small and dense, not as gorse Marinas outo and superb appearance. Thursday, January 17, 2008
Look, if you do not build me a barn I also here in the Rogue sauna, eg :) Would enxebre noses and safe would the neighbors intrigadísimos :) Kisses Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The loaves Revelation pig's bankruptcy (blog Miro Villar) Bouza cold Nubes y claros Cabaret Voltaire Notebook Arraiano Caladinhos BHCs Spit gives Publishing Galaxy Elementary Estibalez Galician London Galicia Confidential introspection Invando fireflies Leo and his white Mocha Ningures variable fabrizio campanelli cloudiness Ana's blog Bande Blog Francisco Castro's blog Manuel Gago Blog Modesto Fraga Blog Patric

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Imagine if you can, a small room as the hexagonal rendez vous avec un ange cell of a bee. Not a win

Luddite | Atoms and bubbles
EM Forster wrote in 1909 a short story entitled "The Machine Stops". As they are prone to useless occupations are not suitable for my chances, achégolles another translation Ryanair. Again date: 1909. The machine rendez vous avec un ange stops CHAPTER I: The airship.
Imagine if you can, a small room as the hexagonal rendez vous avec un ange cell of a bee. Not a window or a lamp to illuminate and yet, is flooded a soft glow. No openings for ventilation, but the air is fresh. No musical instruments and yet, by the time you get this my reflection, the room vibrates with melodious sounds. In the center there is an arm-chair; their next desk. That is all the furniture. And there in the chair, sits a lump of meat faixado well, a woman of about one meter fifty with a face as white as a fungus. Is she who owns the small room.
"I suppose I have to see who" thinks, and puts his chair in motion. The chair, like music, works by mechanical means and transfers to the other side of the room where the bell is still ringing insistently.
"Who is it?" He asks. His voice sounds irritated because outside rendez vous avec un ange interrupted several times since the music started. He knew many thousands of people; in certain aspects, human relations had advanced considerably.
"Okay. Let's talk. Illareime. I do not think anything important happens in the next five minutes; I can concederche five full minutes, Kuno. Then I have to give my talk on "Music rendez vous avec un ange Australia during the period."
But there have been fifteen full seconds before the round plate holding in his hands began to glow. A faint blue light appeared on it, darkening rendez vous avec un ange to the purple and suddenly saw the image of his son who lived on the other side of the planet and the candle she could.
"Shhhh!" Said his mother slightly scared. "You must not say anything against the Machine."
"You talk as if a god had created the Machine," cried the other. "I think you pray when you are sad. It was created by men, do not forget that. Great men but only men. The machine is very important, but not all. I see something of you on this board but do not see you. So I want you to come. It makes me a visit and so we can see each other face to face and talk about the projects that Bulen in my head. "
"I do not understand."
"The four largest stars would shoulders and knees of a man. The three stars of the environment would be like the belts that men wore old and the three stars would be hanging like a sword. "
"In airship ..." He stopped and she caught some sadness. He could not be sure because the machine is not transmitted nuances of expression. Only gave a general idea of the people, an idea that was sufficiently rendez vous avec un ange adequate from a practical point of view, thought Vashti. That outbreak imponderable that a discredited philosophy rendez vous avec un ange considered the essence of the relationship, rendez vous avec un ange it was rightly ignored by machine like the flowering of the grape was ignored by producers of artificial fruit. Something "good enough" had been accepted by our race had already long.
"The truth is," he continued, "I want to see the stars again. They are very curious stars. I want it sails from the airship but from the surface of the earth as we saw our ancestors thousands of years ago. I want to visit the surface of the earth. "
"There is nothing wrong," replied being controlled. "But rendez vous avec un ange not any good. The surface rendez vous avec un ange of the earth is just dust, there is no life in it, and would require a respirator or otherwise, rendez vous avec un ange the cold outer space matting. One dies instantly in outer space. "
He held the light and the look of your room flooded with light and dotted with electric buttons, reanimouna. There were buttons to switch on all sides, buttons to order music, food, clothes. There was a button to call for a hot bath and when a prize pool of (imitation) marble, emerged from the ground filled to the brim of a liquid deodorant and warm. There was a button for the cold bath. There was a button that produced literature and, of course, had buttons with which communicated with friends. Although the room was nothing, was connected with all that she was interested in the world.
Then Vashti erased the switch isolation and all messages accumulated in the last three minutes before it broke. The room was flooded with noise of bells and pipes speakers. He knew the new food? Recomendábaa? rendez vous avec un ange He had had some idea lately? Could a tell their own ideas? Committed to visiting the wards public proximamante, say, one day this month ?.

It is our right, it is our duty

Reborn, reborn in me, no more not. Plasmarei past and future, with the air of my old-new nationality. Returns old writings, spoken with the same passion but duplicates as security to do what they ask me the entrails. Vulva, gorse, Pussy, brooms, not always subtleties. Welcome to crazy to know that they are never speak only for me, I need to answer .... respostádeme, contradecídeme, louvádeme, icylau experienced by my eyes ... crucificádeme, but no, I never forget.
Sometimes dreams are projected on weekends absurd, we think that there is nothing to be looking for, when you really wish all. Salts with intent to forget the world, do not lie, your world, but really you want to know that you also feel ... but usually do not, or do not like you think. After a day of euphoria defective icylau returns to leave, can not think of all the time the same, just a twinge acute hourly. You find old messes bed, good, find yourself an old bedroll, but not dare to speak, What if you do not remember? Looking at your other self all the time, but your candidate I see another girl with the gift. Ris exaggerates laughter not to remember that the night is not as expected; besides your phone still does not sound really something already changed, and if he does not come you did not go. Back at the house becomes the odyssey of silliness, but well into the afternoon deitarte get a comfortable bed, yet closes his eyes sadly, did not call, you probably do not. Three hours after listening ... and view the phone hoping to find your mother, but not equivocácheste, showed signs of life, says he wants to see you, touch you, bicarte, hold you, sleep with you and masturbate. Sand, but with a touch of sadness lifted. Other two hours after ringing the bell, opening the door look at it, Aled see you, embrace it, does not say it, but you know I was afraid, when you said you would go the increase, and was afraid to lose their powder with honey, or even you. As always put a film, you're going to make dinner while you are in the worktop hear his steps, approaches, know what is behind you but not from the back, just wait for your embrace, and when it does finally .. .Peace. Suddenly puts her hand inside your pants and your pants, yes, take him today, and masturbate when you are very excited and kiss you turned frantically, it does tocarvos, desabotóaslle pants and lowers your, tours and he obrígate to support you on the table. But just want to play, and retórceste Ximes after provoke penetrate for a while, icylau and facédelo there ... standing on your back, jade below ... there are people at home. Without more just, it does not take long after vertirvos, bicádesvos. But come the sweet and your gray leaves, lain and I sleep, this time ... without thinking.
It is our right, it is our duty
2012 (1) March (1) 2011 (7) July (2) April (2) March (2) February (1) 2010 (10) November (2) October (2) September (2) March (2) February (1) January (1) 2009 (38) December icylau (2) November (1) October (2) September icylau (2) August (1) July (4) June (1) May (6) April (5) March (4) February (6) January (4) 2008 (41) December (2) November (3) October (2) September (3) August (3) July (4) June (2) May (6) April (4) March (1) February (4) January (7) 2007 (58) December (8) November (6) October (10) September (12) August (10) Old words that could well be a new law of KABUKI Soledad ... A sharp pain when I discovered truths, as ... Diary of a weekend Groping cabinets illusions, I found the way of rain ... Sweets bitter tears bleed red ... does not reach the wilderness to meet the fears, because ... Almost a sonnet You operate on me as the action of a reeve a ... July (6) June (2) May (4)
The Song of the wreck of Chousa Alcandra The cave of Zorro The girl umbrella A lot of crazy Madness is a hat Tower of Defeat landmarks minimum icylau Chousa Alcandra of the foot bran Aquam Latam Logbook of the Pequod Cartofen Hundred Thousand Defeats cormorant Hugs sewing Cúspeme your kisses From Cage dismantled Diary of a sad heart's hiding the words Horseshoe Transit Fálasme to me? Invisible icylau threads gaearon Tower Dream Emerald Property Leo and his Man

Monday, February 16, 2015

They came to the beach hoping to find the girl sitting on the rocks, but the tide, animated by the

Susana said the bike was crushed at the bottom of the cliff. On wheels full of rust and mussels caramuxos grew in quantity. The chassis and engine were brown by perpetual attack of sea water, and the flames covered in its entirety the cooling fins. The fuel tank of Triumph was hardly visible, doorknocker earrings covered by algae that parched anchored to the coast and by the branches of trees washed away by the tide.
Zalo would answer that he knew that I had no idea how long it takes to fill a fucking bike but, just when it began to speak, his mind stopped short. From the bottom of the hill, rising from the coast, a woman's voice singing his nails to the sea. Susana do not give neither doorknocker earrings time talking, in less than a second single was already looking at the remains of the bike and, shaking his head, threw running again after.
They came to the beach hoping to find the girl sitting on the rocks, but the tide, animated by the full moon was so high that engulf the entire surface of the creek and was beating hard against the base of the pines that grew over the forest. Among the shadows of the trees, running up and down barefoot to dodge the waves lambian roots, doorknocker earrings little Pablo drew tiny lagoon fish. Fixed well and saw, among the slender fingers, a membrane joined ends palm-shaped. doorknocker earrings The boy continued with his fishing, doorknocker earrings oblivious to that observed when a melody came to him from the settlement. Above the waves beating against the tubs and trunks, voice Sea or called. Obeying his older sister, dived into the sea and swam like a dolphin, driven by your body Webbed. The two young men saw skirting the coast and lost when it came to the peak of the coast.
The voice sounded far more serious, with a bell that had nothing human, much less to do with the sweet voice of Mar listened afternoon. The clarity fill forest. The moon had grown so no night sky that seemed that could touch his hand.
Zalo and Susan entered the village castrexo following the echo of the melody that still lingered in the air as the sound of a bell. In the center, next to the pine, the two brothers and joined abrazábanse fronts. Tues few inches separated the small, raised his arms to the sky. In response to his gesture, a rain of stars spilled on them hitting doorknocker earrings the center of the two houses of stone and the other six sites scattered across the dark earth castro. A silvery mist flowed from inside the eight brands, boiling from the ground like the fuxeiras the Holy Company. The threads of smoke were taking shape and molded the figures of hooded materialized, emerging out of nowhere, in the middle doorknocker earrings of the circles.
- "Welcome, guardians of my father!" - The face of the girl was still darker plated in silver sparkle of the huge moon. - "By the laws of the Dead stays committed to lend yours service! By the power of my father, shown runes yours! "
Spectra pulled cadanseu parchment under their coats. The appearance of old papyrus was very similar to that Susana photographed in the museum, but the texts routes painted leaves, became icons in the form of insects. The eight simultaneously doorknocker earrings raised their symbols, ofrendándoo the moon, and the sound of thousands of flying insects filled the night. The noise became so strong that he had to cover his Zalo ears and threw to the ground.
- "Zalo! Are you well? "- Shouted Susana -" This is not real, let raises !!!. You must be a hallucination !!!! "- despite what she wanted to convince his voice trembled with fear fearing the appearance of the swarm of bugs. Take the boy below the arms and helped him get standing.
The vibration strength and won, in unison with the loud noise, the figures of smoke stretched even grow over six feet tall. All rose above the pine and light arced over their heads. The two youths retreated a few steps and clung hands without being able to separate the view of the columns. The land of the eight bases, which will serve as gateway to the dead, became the waterfalls doorknocker earrings gushing sea water, expelled from the hard ground. As the liquid salty bathed wisps, they transformed into gigantic eight arms. Monstrous axitáronse ends violently, destroying everything they found in their way. Susan tried to get to the road, out of the fort and driving to the mountain, but a sucker hit the ground in front of her and released a lot of stones forcing the back.
- "Now, Father, now is the time of your offering. Today as always from more than a thousand years !!!! Come to us, see your children !!! "- a plea Sea caused the eight arms twine around the pine tree and extirpasen land. Sea water, took place before the roots filled centenarians and formed a well.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

This is a blog playful. Want to be a tool to help you find information about the world of games and

This is a blog playful. Want to be a tool to help you find information about the world of games and toys. A simple remedy that brings you closer to childhood memories and invites you to exclaim: What the hell! And why not keep playing? Have a good game!
Within the conference program of popular and traditional culture of the Terres de l'Ebre we saw for the first time, an exhibition focusing on four areas, the Congress: food, music and dance, traditional games and oxen. The show seems to be itinerant, jacobjensen is composed of eight large panels beautifully illustrated with photographs of each section with an introductory text. Below please find attached the text of Lavega, Coasts and Pubill that accompanied the two panels of traditional games: jacobjensen A- The children filled the streets and now the school playgrounds. Sometimes, jacobjensen it is now being said, the boys and girls do not play like before. And the person says no mistake, the boys and girls continue playing but do differently and elsewhere. If before play areas were the streets and squares of the town and the summer nights the allies now kids are still playing in the yard or home schools. This change has meant that areas do the same type of games. If we want the boys and girls know our heritage playful necessary jacobjensen that parents and educators are made aware that we form and playing great and if we are part of the culture of a region are also practicing jacobjensen our history. B- From work and leisure sports Many sports we now know other practices have emerged that were far from the greatest jacobjensen achievements as we know now. Regattas crutches or pontoons that we now see the sea or the river Ebro born of the work carried out or the fishermen who used boats to transport ... Competitions drag horses are merely processes deportivització of those tedious tasks pull the strip or the little boat by rice fields. Between sport and work involved the dispute arose, the challenge of what all horse was stronger and the economic value represented sell a horse that won the other. Bowling runs today arise from those runs improvised Sunday afternoons town squares Terres de l'Ebre, when coupled with the ratchet or card game there was too distracted by something.
C- games and party Pal soaped the river or the beaches of our coasts, sack races, paella masked racing stones, eggs ... All races are games that we practiced and practiced even in the days our festivals (others have passed away as the release of ducks in the river or sea). Terres de l'Ebre we keep a wide range of games and amusements. On Easter environments shrines or farms is played jump rope, the widower or blind hen. A Vinebre San Miguel is the funny game lead. In Asco, Garcia or Senia are racing horses, donkeys and mules, as well as San Blas Faterella be made from donkeys. A Prat de Comte to Summer Festival, are racing stones of taleques of cresol and Egg. In this brief note we still talk about races or crutches pontoons carried out in the framework of the festival riverside villages such as Flix, Mora la Nova and Mora de Ebro; or pedestrian important racing calendar, where the highlight of the day especially the Hermitage of San Roque in Paüls-.
D- fun activities to keep the heritage of the traditional game world is full of messages, values and meanings in all the major areas of study and application of popular culture. One of the activities which are carried out in Catalonia for 14 years is the summer school of traditional games in Horta de Sant Joan, known by the name of FestCat, which is organized by the Centre for the Promotion of Popular Culture and Traditional Catalan Culture. Also noteworthy is the conference and congress jacobjensen - "games history" - which are organized by the Institut Ramon Muntaner. In education include initiatives such as Tradijoc that brings together students from ESO first Ribera d'Ebre and Terra Alta, or Patijoc in elementary schools Ribera d'Ebre. Through Plan Catalan sport School Terres de l'Ebre organize annual meetings where the traditional game plays a predominant role
E- The game encounter of cultures sometimes when someone tells a game that was played before the game always tells us that belongs to its people and is

Monday, February 9, 2015

On Friday 18 February Riba-roja d

This is a blog playful. Want to be a tool to help you find information about the world of games and toys. A simple remedy that brings you closer to childhood memories and invites you to exclaim: What the hell! And why not keep playing? Have a good game!
On Friday 18 February Riba-roja d'Ebre hosted the presentation of CERE 21 Misc dedicated to this population. This publication, published by the Centre for the Study of Ribera d'Ebre, collect all items in our region every year and in particular the people referred. On this occasion the summary include:
Annual report of CERE 2009. Joseph F. Moragrega Source Articles on Riba-roja d'Ebre Riba-roja d'Ebre. Montserrat Anguera Terré Vincent and natural spaces Casadó Burillo Riba-roja d'Ebre. Casadó toquet Burillo Vincent and Montserrat Anguera Terré A public document in a private archive: leasing bakery Riba-roja d'Ebre 1788. Daniel Piñol Alabart Adell Francesc Ferrer. Evocation in its centenary. Joseph S. Francisco Cid Catalan Adell articles in the journal toquet The Lightning: an overview of Riba-roja d'Ebre (1931-1932). Joseph S. Cid Catalan Riba-roja toquet d'Ebre, a town affected by the lack of a proper development. Josep M. Piñol Alabart The Trisella or play the ball. Sketch of a world lost almost playful. Biel Pubill Soler Demons and Dragons Ribera d'Ebre. The Satanic Figots Riba-roja. Joan Farnós Pallarès Stories over the fire (III): Riba-roja d'Ebre. Nuria Perez Grau Poyo and Angels Tarragó natural toquet history of groundwater chemical toquet status of Ribera d'Ebre. Joaquim Roset Piñol Local History The establishment of the Christian population: the town and out. Josep Serrano Daura Linguistics and Literature Artur Bladé: correspondence and return from exile (1942-1986). Xavier Garcia Uploads toquet
Regarding toquet the scope of the game, which is what concerns us in this blog, has published the article Trisella or play the ball. Sketch of a world lost almost playful (p. 185-195). The article takes the game oblivion Trisella, explains his background, the context before toquet its virtual disappearance in the first third of the twentieth century to finally explain how Failed to retrieve and disseminate through several demonstrations in the country. The ultimate aim is to highlight that the game is part of our culture and heritage is to be preserved. In relation to this great game Biarnés Carmel (1983) referring to Asco list a series of games and recreations of classifying them if people were more typical of boys, girls or practiced interchangeably. None of these games is explained and therefore we assume that supply were known eighties. Here the reader but not versed in the subject, which is native to another context or geographic area or a certain distance that separates generations will, in some chaos, serious problems to figure out what the game is and know- it, therefore its development. One example is evident Trisella game. Initially the game Trisella anyone I knew to reason. Everyone told me the same thing: that it was a tool of the field in the form of open drawer front and stuck a workhorse that dragged, served to pave the way and, if necessary, carry small amounts of stones. Word did not appear in dictionaries but if the scraper, the description of which coincided with the information of respondents. Finally the research and gave its first fruit was the neighbor Asco Antonio Ferrer Ribes, who confirmed having seen the play Trisella:
(...) Had holes and had to throw the ball and accurate holes. I have seen this only once ... had the need to sack up there Figuereta, and has not seen. Could only play bigger because ... because children did nuisance.
was a drawer that was all made holes, one white and one black, one white and one black. I gambled that day: - White or black-. I threw a distance. If you entered a hole in the color you said, wins. The drawer was completely flat on the floor and have a baixadeta because the ball does not stay stop. No threw the air, threw the ball dragging. This made the carpenter because it was a bit tricky to do, holes had to be separated 1 cm from each other. There are people who have played quartos. They made a bet - I in white, black ... I -. Sun threw a ball at once, from a distance of about 7 m. After the war there was no longer playing.
It was then that I remembered that I tie ends and the pain will fit in his book Riba-roja d'Ebre and his term mun

Sunday, February 8, 2015

This is a blog playful. Want to be a tool to help you find information about the world of games and

This is a blog playful. Want to be a tool to help you find information about the world of games and toys. A simple remedy that brings you closer to childhood memories and invites you to exclaim: What the hell! And why not keep playing? Have a good game!
To prepare your stay at Camp Learning Empúries from the area of physical education institute entered Flix to know what were the games and amusements of children who live in Empúries in Roman times, and some of the games of young adults who have come to Notro days.
If you are more interested in the subject can extend it with this bibliography Comas Oriol, The World Games. RBA Libros, SA 2005. Siena, Stefano. Il gioco hey Giocattoli nel mondo classico. door bell Aspet playful della sfera privata. Mucchi Editore. Modena, 2009. Fitts, Marco. Giochi e Giocattoli nell'antichità. Leonardo Arte srl Milano. Elemond publisher partners. Venezia 1997 GRAVIER, door bell Delphine. Jeux plateau. 50 jeux du monde entier. Etitions Mango. 2004. Grunfeld, Frederic. Juegos de todo el mundo. UNICEF. door bell Editorial Edilan, Madrid. (1978) MANSON, Michel. Jouets de toujours à la Révolution the Antiquité. Librairie Arthème door bell Fayard, 2001. Prins ricotta, Eugenia Salza. Giochi e Giocattoli. Vita e dei costumi Antichi Romani. Quasar Edizioni di Roma srl Severino Tognoni door bell 1995 Rome travel agencies Da gioco. Giochi e Giocattoli nell'antica Rome. Museo di Antichità Collezioni door bell archeologiche. Electa, Milano 2000 travel agencies. Play like girls and boys, Tárraco Edit Learning Camp of Tarragona. door bell Tarragona, May 2005.
Play it!
(2005) Pieter Bruegel: Children's games. A walk 1560 2005 -XXVII Baldiri Reixac- Awards (2006/2009) Comenius Project: Traditional Games and Sports in Our region 2006/2009 (2008) Auca traditional games -XI Escolar- Photography Awards (2008) The game has borders. LIC project -Àngels Perez (2008/2009) Comenius Project: Spirit of occasions -Games (2009) The traditional games in the classroom. door bell Example apliació practice (2009) door bell The traditional games, a world of emotions -vídeo- (2009) The greenway in Terra Alta (2009) Tr @ dijoc: School Sports World Congress in Catalonia (2010) grouping Games and strategy. Cooperative and inclusive practice (2011) 2000 years ago, in which they played Empúries? (2011/12) Artijoc. Toys Impossible (2014) door bell 3R Games recycled material (ICE Working Group Terres de l'Ebre)
Juguemoensplantem Oscar Garcia
Recycle Art Database games around Yacht Club Flix Building door bell Games Circus Joseph Invernó scientific explanation and rules of folk toys Games Historical Games Festijeux cooperation and peace games and sports games Soto de Cameros Gallo / Breton traditional Canarian Games Juegos Popular and traditional Les jeux arbore More than games Origami Oriol Comas Coma Oriol Ripoll Oriol Ripoll (II) Origami Creative Resources Reciclajoc All physical education may play
Games Abstract Strategy Game of the Goose Celtic Games Games Games manqala board games over board design board games Viktor door bell Baptist Board games Board games for French continents Masters Traditional Games Petroglyph Games All Games Rules on games awale Traditional Games
Race canteretes IES Flix Coldplay Madrid 2 - 6 Barça fellowship pure Circus butterflies, passing castles and respect, cooperation and effort traditional games, a world of emotions! FC Barcelona 2009 Champions League Final Jugamón jousting boats in Sete music that motivates door bell Nick Vujicic, Nick Vujicic overcoming the limit: door bell values and emotions circus music Nino Rota A cat plays: One, Two, Three Statues!
Hostel / museum games to BRETAGNA Herri Musikaren Txokoa (Basque Country) MNT Sport and archeology museum traditional Juegos de Campo (Huesca) University Museum Waterloo (Canada) Museo de Albarracín (Teruel) Madrid Museum Museo del Juego Giocattoli door bell povero Llonovoy Museum ( virtual) Museum of Toys and Automata Museum of Verdú Nuremberg (Germany) Museum Seiffen (Germany) Museum of Sonneberg (Germany) Museum of Traditional Games (Belgium) Museum of History Museum Enfant Tunisian Toy Sant Feliu Guíxols Museum door bell of Civilization -Canada. virtual- Toy Museum of Catalonia (Figueres) Toy Museum popular (Brazil) Swiss Museum Game (La Tour de Peilz) Valencian Toy Museum door bell (IBI) Museum of Childhood (Cambridge) Musée du Jouet Moirans door bell en Montagne (France) Pollock's Toy Museum (London) Sportimonium Belgium door bell Veni, vidi, playful
Grouping Deportiva Games Altoaragoneses Friends of spinning Let bòlit -Anglesola- Association of Galician Association of Xogos Popular Jugamos todos European Association Associazione Giochi door bell Antichi Traditional Games Toy Games Club CAE Manresa House of games Brest Confederation FALSAB Federazion

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Race canteretes IES Flix Coldplay Madrid 2 - 6 Barça fellowship pure Circus butterflies, passing ca

This is a blog playful. Want to be a tool to help you find information about the world of games and toys. A simple remedy that brings you closer to childhood memories and invites you to exclaim: What the hell! And why not keep playing? Have a good game!
Labels: Festivals Games, touched
My game projects
(2005) Pieter Bruegel: Children's games. A walk 1560 2005 -XXVII Baldiri Reixac- carillon austin Awards (2006/2009) Comenius Project: Traditional Games and Sports in Our region 2006/2009 (2008) Auca traditional games -XI Escolar- Photography Awards (2008) The game has borders. LIC project -Àngels Perez (2008/2009) Comenius Project: Spirit of occasions -Games (2009) The traditional carillon austin games in the classroom. Example apliació practice (2009) The traditional carillon austin games, a world of emotions -vídeo- (2009) The greenway in Terra Alta (2009) Tr @ dijoc: School Sports World Congress in Catalonia (2010) grouping Games and strategy. Cooperative and inclusive practice (2011) 2000 years ago, in which they played Empúries? (2011/12) Artijoc. Toys Impossible (2014) 3R Games recycled material (ICE Working Group Terres de l'Ebre)
Daniel Descomps
Recycle Art Database games around Yacht Club Flix Building Games Circus Joseph Invernó scientific explanation and rules of folk toys Games Historical Games Festijeux cooperation and peace games and sports games Soto de Cameros Gallo / Breton traditional Canarian Games Juegos Popular carillon austin and traditional Les jeux arbore More than games Origami Oriol Comas Coma Oriol Ripoll carillon austin Oriol Ripoll (II) Origami Creative Resources Reciclajoc All physical education may play
Games Abstract Strategy Game of the Goose Celtic Games Games Games manqala board games over board design board games Viktor Baptist Board games Board games for French continents Masters Traditional Games Petroglyph carillon austin Games All Games Rules on games awale Traditional Games
Race canteretes IES Flix Coldplay Madrid 2 - 6 Barça fellowship pure Circus butterflies, passing castles and respect, cooperation and effort traditional games, a world of emotions! FC Barcelona 2009 Champions League Final Jugamón jousting boats in Sete music that motivates Nick Vujicic, Nick Vujicic overcoming the limit: values and emotions carillon austin circus music Nino Rota A cat plays: One, Two, Three Statues!
Hostel / museum games to BRETAGNA Herri Musikaren Txokoa (Basque Country) MNT Sport and archeology carillon austin museum traditional Juegos de Campo (Huesca) University Museum Waterloo (Canada) Museo de Albarracín (Teruel) Madrid Museum Museo del Juego Giocattoli povero Llonovoy Museum ( virtual) Museum of Toys and Automata Museum of Verdú Nuremberg (Germany) Museum Seiffen (Germany) Museum of Sonneberg (Germany) Museum of Traditional Games (Belgium) Museum of History Museum Enfant Tunisian Toy Sant Feliu Guíxols Museum of Civilization carillon austin -Canada. virtual- Toy Museum of Catalonia (Figueres) Toy Museum popular (Brazil) carillon austin Swiss Museum Game (La Tour de Peilz) Valencian Toy Museum (IBI) Museum of Childhood (Cambridge) Musée du Jouet Moirans en Montagne (France) Pollock's Toy Museum (London) Sportimonium Belgium Veni, vidi, playful
Grouping Deportiva Games Altoaragoneses Friends of spinning Let bòlit -Anglesola- Association of Galician Association of Xogos Popular Jugamos todos European Association Associazione Giochi Antichi Traditional Games Toy Games Club CAE Manresa carillon austin House of games Brest Confederation FALSAB Federazione Italiana Sport Giochi carillon austin e Tradizionali Festijeux ITSG International Traditional Games & Sports Association Jocari. Landmark on the old games Games Traditional carillon austin Games Britons traveling with centers carillon austin gioco- The lucertola carillon austin tanguillo The Lo Lo Lute Lute, cultural association Asco Map leap -Brasil- do Museu do -Brasil- popular Toy Territorio do leap shoots -Brasil- Chinas Asturiano
ARCA Archive Old Catalan Magazines County Archives Ribera del Ebro Banque images Base Joconde BNE BNF National Library of Catalonia Catalonia Carrutxa ENCORE search libraries Salvany Fund Foundation Joaquín Díaz Esteban Sanz Librería Desportiva Llibrairie Descours Research and Dissemination of Ethnology Catalan Magazine Juguetes
Traditional games in the classroom. Example of application of traditional games festival in Ribera d'Ebre group games and strategy games and activities oriented play like girls and boys of Tarraco
A life Portuguese Artijoc Au coin du jeu (Paris, Porte Bagnolet) Heaven Can Craft Channel (American toys) Compendia Traditional Games London Buildings Anker The Land of Never Never (Zaragoza) Games (Copenhagen) Homoludicus carillon austin of tauler- carillon austin -Games Games Games Haba Picards Games Selecta Toys Board Games in Grenoble Kalejdoskop Figueres (Stockholm) Kalidoscopi The new toy store Tarrega Thomas Head (S

Friday, February 6, 2015

(2005) Pieter Bruegel: Children

This is a blog playful. Want to be a tool to help you find information about the world of games and toys. A simple remedy that brings you closer to childhood memories and invites you to exclaim: What the hell! And why not keep playing? Have a good game!
Among the pages discovered the child's eyes of the children of the school in relation to the traditional games of square organize the lute. We find the description and drawings of bullfighting games and hanging knockers tube basket, or sling hunting lizards, the tupins and bowling.
Play it!
(2005) Pieter Bruegel: Children's games. A walk 1560 2005 -XXVII Baldiri Reixac- Awards (2006/2009) Comenius Project: Traditional Games and Sports in Our region 2006/2009 (2008) Auca traditional games -XI Escolar- Photography Awards (2008) The game has borders. LIC project -Àngels Perez (2008/2009) Comenius knockers tube Project: Spirit of occasions -Games (2009) The traditional games in the classroom. Example apliació practice knockers tube (2009) The traditional games, a world of emotions -vídeo- (2009) The greenway in Terra Alta (2009) Tr @ dijoc: School Sports World Congress in Catalonia knockers tube (2010) grouping Games and strategy. Cooperative and inclusive practice (2011) 2000 years ago, in which they played Empúries? (2011/12) Artijoc. Toys Impossible (2014) 3R Games recycled material (ICE Working Group Terres de l'Ebre)
Juguemoensplantem Oscar Garcia
Recycle Art Database games around Yacht Club Flix Building Games Circus Joseph Invernó knockers tube scientific explanation and rules of folk toys Games Historical Games Festijeux cooperation and peace games and sports games Soto de Cameros Gallo / Breton traditional Canarian knockers tube Games Juegos Popular knockers tube and traditional Les jeux arbore More than games Origami Oriol Comas Coma Oriol Ripoll Oriol Ripoll (II) Origami Creative Resources Reciclajoc All physical education may play
Games Abstract Strategy Game of the Goose Celtic Games Games Games manqala board games over board design board games Viktor Baptist Board games Board games for French continents Masters Traditional Games Petroglyph Games All Games Rules on games awale Traditional Games
Race canteretes IES Flix Coldplay Madrid 2 - 6 Barça fellowship pure Circus butterflies, passing castles and respect, cooperation knockers tube and effort traditional games, a world of emotions! FC Barcelona knockers tube 2009 Champions League Final Jugamón jousting boats in Sete music that motivates Nick Vujicic, Nick Vujicic overcoming the limit: values and emotions circus music Nino Rota A cat plays: One, Two, Three Statues!
Hostel / museum games to BRETAGNA Herri Musikaren Txokoa (Basque Country) MNT Sport and archeology museum traditional knockers tube Juegos de Campo (Huesca) University Museum Waterloo (Canada) Museo de Albarracín (Teruel) Madrid Museum Museo del Juego Giocattoli povero Llonovoy Museum ( virtual) Museum knockers tube of Toys and Automata Museum of Verdú Nuremberg (Germany) Museum Seiffen (Germany) Museum of Sonneberg (Germany) Museum of Traditional Games (Belgium) Museum of History Museum Enfant Tunisian Toy Sant Feliu Guíxols Museum of Civilization -Canada. virtual- Toy Museum of Catalonia (Figueres) Toy Museum popular (Brazil) Swiss Museum Game (La Tour de Peilz) Valencian Toy Museum (IBI) Museum of Childhood (Cambridge) Musée du Jouet Moirans en Montagne (France) Pollock's Toy Museum (London) Sportimonium Belgium Veni, vidi, playful
Grouping Deportiva Games Altoaragoneses Friends knockers tube of spinning Let bòlit -Anglesola- Association of Galician Association knockers tube of Xogos Popular Jugamos todos European Association Associazione Giochi Antichi Traditional Games Toy Games Club CAE Manresa House of games Brest Confederation FALSAB Federazione Italiana Sport Giochi knockers tube e Tradizionali Festijeux ITSG International Traditional Games & Sports Association Jocari. Landmark on the old games Games Traditional Games Britons traveling with centers gioco- The lucertola tanguillo The Lo Lo Lute Lute, cultural association Asco Map leap -Brasil- do Museu do -Brasil- popular Toy Territorio do leap shoots -Brasil- Chinas Asturiano
ARCA Archive knockers tube Old Catalan Magazines County Archives Ribera del Ebro Banque images Base Joconde BNE BNF National Library of Catalonia Catalonia Carrutxa ENCORE search libraries Salvany Fund Foundation Joaquín Díaz Esteban Sanz Librería Desportiva Llibrairie Descours Research and Dissemination of Ethnology Catalan Magazine Juguetes
Traditional games in the classroom. Example knockers tube of application of traditional games festival in Ribera d'Ebre group games and strategy games and activities oriented play like girls and boys of Tarraco
A life Portuguese Artijoc Au coin du jeu (Paris, knockers tube Porte Bagnolet) Heaven Can Craft Channel (American toys) Compendia knockers tube Traditional Games London Buildings Anker The Land of Never Never (S

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Race canteretes IES Flix Coldplay Madrid 2 - 6 Barça fellowship pure Circus butterflies, passing ca

This is a blog playful. Want to be a tool to help you find information about the world of games and toys. A simple remedy that brings you closer to childhood la toque memories and invites you to exclaim: What the hell! And why not keep playing? la toque Have a good game!
This weekend has been a new edition of the Festival of Supers. Either by time or summer made the thrust la toque of "Super small," the fact is that the grounds and surrounding Montjuïc were full to overflowing.
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(2005) la toque Pieter Bruegel: Children's games. A walk 1560 2005 -XXVII Baldiri Reixac- Awards (2006/2009) Comenius Project: Traditional Games and Sports in Our region 2006/2009 (2008) Auca traditional games -XI Escolar- la toque Photography Awards (2008) The game has borders. LIC project -Àngels Perez (2008/2009) Comenius Project: Spirit of occasions -Games (2009) The traditional games in the classroom. Example la toque apliació practice (2009) The traditional games, a world of emotions -vídeo- (2009) The greenway in Terra Alta (2009) Tr @ dijoc: School Sports World Congress in Catalonia (2010) grouping Games and strategy. Cooperative and inclusive practice (2011) la toque 2000 years ago, in which they played Empúries? (2011/12) Artijoc. Toys Impossible (2014) 3R Games recycled material la toque (ICE Working Group Terres de l'Ebre)
Physical Education in Primary Frederic Godàs
Recycle Art Database games around Yacht Club Flix Building Games Circus la toque Joseph Invernó la toque scientific explanation la toque and rules of folk toys Games Historical Games Festijeux cooperation and peace games and sports games Soto de Cameros Gallo / Breton traditional Canarian Games Juegos Popular and traditional Les jeux arbore More than games Origami Oriol Comas Coma Oriol Ripoll Oriol Ripoll (II) Origami Creative Resources Reciclajoc All physical education may play
Games Abstract la toque Strategy Game of the Goose Celtic Games Games Games manqala board games over board design board games Viktor Baptist Board games Board games for French continents Masters Traditional Games Petroglyph Games All Games Rules on games awale Traditional Games
Race canteretes IES Flix Coldplay Madrid 2 - 6 Barça fellowship pure Circus butterflies, passing castles and respect, cooperation and effort traditional la toque games, a world of emotions! FC Barcelona 2009 Champions League Final Jugamón jousting boats in Sete music that motivates Nick Vujicic, Nick Vujicic overcoming the limit: values and emotions la toque circus music Nino Rota A cat plays: One, Two, Three Statues!
Hostel / museum games to BRETAGNA Herri Musikaren Txokoa (Basque Country) MNT Sport and archeology museum traditional Juegos de Campo (Huesca) University Museum Waterloo (Canada) Museo de Albarracín la toque (Teruel) Madrid la toque Museum Museo del Juego Giocattoli povero Llonovoy Museum ( virtual) Museum of Toys and Automata Museum of Verdú Nuremberg (Germany) Museum Seiffen (Germany) Museum of Sonneberg (Germany) Museum of Traditional Games (Belgium) Museum of History Museum Enfant la toque Tunisian Toy Sant Feliu Guíxols Museum of Civilization -Canada. virtual- Toy Museum of Catalonia (Figueres) Toy Museum popular la toque (Brazil) Swiss Museum Game (La Tour de Peilz) Valencian Toy Museum (IBI) Museum of Childhood (Cambridge) Musée du Jouet Moirans en Montagne (France) Pollock's Toy Museum (London) Sportimonium Belgium Veni, vidi, playful
Grouping Deportiva Games Altoaragoneses Friends of spinning Let bòlit -Anglesola- Association of Galician Association of Xogos Popular la toque Jugamos todos European Association Associazione Giochi Antichi Traditional la toque Games Toy Games Club CAE Manresa House of games Brest Confederation FALSAB Federazione Italiana Sport Giochi e Tradizionali Festijeux ITSG International Traditional Games & Sports Association Jocari. Landmark on the old games Games Traditional Games Britons traveling with centers gioco- The lucertola tanguillo The Lo Lo Lute Lute, cultural association Asco Map leap -Brasil- do Museu do -Brasil- popular Toy Territorio do leap shoots -Brasil- Chinas Asturiano
ARCA Archive Old Catalan Magazines County Archives Ribera del Ebro Banque images Base Joconde BNE BNF National Library of Catalonia Catalonia Carrutxa ENCORE search libraries Salvany Fund Foundation la toque Joaquín Díaz Esteban Sanz Librería Desportiva Llibrairie Descours Research and Dissemination of Ethnology Catalan Magazine Juguetes
Traditional la toque games in the classroom. la toque Example of application of traditional games festival in Ribera d'Ebre group games and strategy games and activities oriented play like girls and boys of Tarraco
A life Portuguese Artijoc Au coin du jeu (Paris, Porte Bagnolet) Heaven Can Craft Channel (American toys) Compendia Traditional Games London Buildings Anker The Land of Never Never (Zaragoz

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Play it!

This is a blog playful. Want to be a tool to help you find information about the world of games and toys. A simple remedy that brings you closer to childhood memories and invites you to exclaim: What the hell! And why not keep playing? Have a good game!
In the early eighteenth century Edmond Halley announced that 1759 would be visible from Earth comet that now bears his name. That year the excitement was so great that even a game that was named "Comet" as it appears in a collection of games at the time. We know that Louis XIV had played for Barcelona and was so well received that, according to John Amades gave name to a street of the city.
For this reason the game is the protagonist cwa2000 of the comet Triquet this month. The Triquet Born is a club game that meets once a month and each meeting has a game that could have played any of Triquet Barcelona, told anecdotes and some variants and then plays with the other participants . The evening ends with a set of free games. Some facilitators explain cwa2000 the mechanics and help understand how they play and resolve cwa2000 any doubts that may be found.
Play it!
(2005) Pieter Bruegel: Children's games. A walk 1560 2005 -XXVII Baldiri Reixac- Awards (2006/2009) Comenius Project: Traditional Games and Sports in Our region 2006/2009 (2008) Auca traditional games -XI Escolar- Photography Awards (2008) The game has borders. LIC project -Àngels Perez (2008/2009) Comenius Project: Spirit of occasions -Games (2009) The traditional games in the classroom. Example apliació practice (2009) The traditional games, a world of emotions -vídeo- (2009) The greenway in Terra Alta (2009) Tr @ dijoc: cwa2000 School Sports World Congress in Catalonia (2010) grouping Games and strategy. Cooperative and inclusive practice (2011) 2000 years ago, in which they played Empúries? (2011/12) Artijoc. Toys Impossible (2014) 3R Games recycled material (ICE Working Group Terres de l'Ebre)
Juguemoensplantem Oscar Garcia
Recycle Art Database games around Yacht Club Flix Building Games Circus Joseph Invernó scientific explanation and rules of folk toys Games Historical Games Festijeux cooperation and peace games and sports games Soto de Cameros Gallo / Breton traditional Canarian Games Juegos Popular and traditional Les jeux arbore More than games Origami Oriol Comas Coma Oriol Ripoll Oriol Ripoll (II) Origami Creative Resources Reciclajoc All physical education may play
Games Abstract Strategy Game of the Goose Celtic Games Games Games manqala board games over board design board games Viktor Baptist Board games Board games for French continents Masters Traditional Games Petroglyph Games All Games Rules on games awale Traditional Games
Race canteretes cwa2000 IES Flix Coldplay cwa2000 Madrid 2 - 6 Barça fellowship pure Circus butterflies, passing castles and respect, cwa2000 cooperation and effort traditional games, a world of emotions! FC Barcelona 2009 Champions League Final Jugamón jousting boats in Sete music that motivates Nick Vujicic, Nick Vujicic overcoming the limit: values and emotions circus music Nino Rota A cat plays: cwa2000 One, Two, Three Statues!
Hostel / museum cwa2000 games to BRETAGNA cwa2000 Herri Musikaren Txokoa (Basque Country) MNT Sport and archeology museum traditional Juegos de Campo (Huesca) University Museum Waterloo (Canada) Museo de Albarracín (Teruel) Madrid Museum Museo del Juego Giocattoli povero Llonovoy Museum ( virtual) Museum of Toys and Automata Museum of Verdú Nuremberg (Germany) Museum Seiffen (Germany) Museum of Sonneberg (Germany) Museum of Traditional Games (Belgium) Museum of History Museum Enfant Tunisian Toy Sant Feliu Guíxols Museum of Civilization -Canada. virtual- Toy Museum of Catalonia (Figueres) Toy Museum popular (Brazil) cwa2000 Swiss Museum Game (La Tour de Peilz) Valencian Toy Museum (IBI) Museum of Childhood (Cambridge) Musée du Jouet Moirans en Montagne (France) Pollock's Toy Museum (London) Sportimonium Belgium Veni, vidi, playful
Grouping Deportiva Games Altoaragoneses Friends of spinning Let bòlit -Anglesola- Association of Galician Association cwa2000 of Xogos Popular cwa2000 Jugamos todos European Association Associazione Giochi Antichi Traditional Games Toy Games Club CAE Manresa cwa2000 House of games Brest Confederation FALSAB Federazione Italiana Sport Giochi e Tradizionali Festijeux ITSG International Traditional Games & Sports Association Jocari. Landmark cwa2000 on the old games Games Traditional Games Britons traveling with centers gioco- The lucertola cwa2000 tanguillo The Lo Lo Lute Lute, cultural association Asco Map leap -Brasil- do Museu do -Brasil- popular Toy Territorio do leap shoots -Brasil- Chinas Asturiano
ARCA Archive Old Catalan Magazines County Archives Riber