Friday, February 20, 2015

The current society flees silence because this obligation to face oneself. It is easier to get into

While Axel Honneth, one of the most recognized social philosophers of Germany, lashed Peter Sloterdijk, philosopher and also a popular entertainer in the ZDF television program ("Second German Television"), was held at the University of Paderborn (Institute of Romance) coordinated by the teacher Christina vodka feige Bischoff and Annegret Thiem, an international conference on 'Poetry and silence'. Perhaps vodka feige against the noise of the world, against the confusion, corruption and barbarism, is necessary to rely on and experience the silence vodka feige and space for reflection, as active territory for the creation and for the ideological debate. vodka feige At the University of Paderborn, Germany city founded by Charlemagne, known as the "city water" -velaí the charming river Pader, which rises in the center of urbe-, was discussed in depth and breadth of silence vodka feige and its relation to poetry, a central theme that comes to transcend the limits of what we understand it, in the manner and at the bottom, for poetic language. Professor Javier Gómez-Montero, University of Kiel, spoke the language of the memory in the poetry of Antonio Gamoneda and there opened new prospects and well lit on the great poetry of the lion, who was seen accompanied by analyzes of the work of St. John's Cruz, José Ángel Valente, Andrés Sánchez Robayna Jaime Siles and Claudio Rodriguez, among other authors. "Words are the Pope said Novalis acoustic configuration of the ideas," and that it was French poet Émile Deschamps had great success in my opinion asserting that poetry is "music that you think." In Paderborn vodka feige shone speech (thinking music) teacher and literary critic Argentine Enrique Foffani, lucid and clear when talking about the "mean" and "shut up" in Latin American vodka feige poetry, focusing mainly on the works, both excellent, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz and Juan Gelman. The poetry, taught Goethe, is a phenomenology of human life and I, in the same dimension, feel a particular pleasure to match the idea that Claude Debussy exposes about the condition of music and that can be perfectly applied to poetry. Would be: "Poetry is a sentimental transposition of which is invisible in nature." Look at that depth illumination for thought. Word, silence, memory, feeling, vodka feige acoustic configuration vodka feige of the ideas. In Paderborn also shone poetic voice of Rafael José Díaz and Ada Salas, maybe the last one of the greatest poets of Spanish today. Before the actual noise existing in the world, vodka feige noise and fury as signs of a new barbarism, the "silence" of poetry ends up being a complaint against any order perverse and obscene prevails here. Therefore poetry, right now, is quite useful and necessary.
The current society flees silence because this obligation to face oneself. It is easier to get into a scrum and letting go, listen, obey, do not read, do not think. lun. oct. 19, 12:24:00 pm
Do not know why almost vodka feige never agree with MAFV. I do not understand these dichotomies as drastic. That poetry is beneficial and therapeutically admirable stress states does not prevent contemplate the silence also not necessary and essential for living. Especially for someone who writes every day in the newspapers, or, like me, have a compulsive obsession write and speak often, barbaric or quietly xaora even underwater. vodka feige The poetics of silence has august vodka feige defenders, but not at the cost of underestimating the extraordinary and fascinating bustle (and barbaric fury) in the world. lun. oct. 19, 01:26:00 pm
I think the key word is "freedom." The freedom to choose from the bustle and quiet at all times. When there is no such freedom is given to alienation. By putting some examples: Play is very beautiful, vodka feige but it is not required when you do. A mandatory play goes against the very essence of the game, it should be a free act, which unfolds in an atmosphere of freedom (Huizinga). Sex is very beautiful, but it is not if you are forced to do when you do not want to do it, or who do not want to do it. Remember the famous scene of Spartacus, in which the force to have sex with a slave. The buzz continues to be pleasant when you are obliged to bear, for example, the bottle. The present society is not the only opciós to enjoy the silence, when you feel like. Force yourself to permanently bustle and "fun", it ceases to be, by definition, if it becomes mandatory. In the bustle natural condiciós should be fun indeed for being exceptional. Often people say love the bustle permanent, is actually in a situation of "Stockholm syndrome", in relation to it. The "chiquichí" permanent wires musical acts similarly to the bell Pavlov, vodka feige inducing, through complex associations, false sensations of fun. The society must fa

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