Saturday, January 31, 2015

With the band sounded Ben

Already have available heath zenith wireless the whole program of the Festival de La Cruz Alta, where thunder and lightning are very active! We invite you to make a look and learn all the activities! Remember that you have at your disposal, to make monitoring from your mobile application heath zenith wireless for the 2013 Festival!
House of Friendship for Women
Ostrich Workshop 1
The neighborhood ...
Proclamation of the Festival (Mark Balaguer)
Correbars protest
Fair made by children for children
Pl. La Cruz Alta
With the band sounded Ben
Correfocs infernal With the participation of groups: Devils Cross High, Baldomero Dragon, Witch of the North and two invited groups.
May 19 or Sunday
Avda. September 11
To learn how to work the chocolate, besides eating it
Bells for Health, Montserrat and Vicenta
With the harvest of Sagal filmed, the Moixiganguers Igualada and Towers Sabadell.
VII Final Parade of Cars and Motorcycles
House of Friendship for Women
Talk and playgrounds heath zenith wireless
Labels: Festival 2013 News
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The night of San Juan, along with Christmas Eve, a magical nights of excellence within the calendar

The night of San Juan, along with Christmas Eve, a magical nights of excellence within the calendar claddagh door knocker magical Catalan, although these two nights are not the only remarkable, all told to make justice. Within the night in question, the night of San Juan, the climax is one in which sound batallades twelve midnight separating the 23rd of June 24, the bottom point of the dark, when it unleashed all kinds of eixarms, witches chimney climb up to mischief, demons souls are sent to try and restore the world's reign of darkness, the elves are ready to make mischief in the houses, the women of water and enchanted do their laundry, they appear claddagh door knocker corrues of damned souls, and speak all kinds of fantastic creatures, enchanted treasures, cities submerged plants and all kinds of supernatural powers claddagh door knocker hidden just disappear again when leaving the first ray of sunlight at dawn. But what do we know of these legends? Let them here a small collection ...
Witches, wizards and healers Witches, wizards and healers gain a powerful night of St. John, and so much so that in some places are also known as Jane, Joan or joanencs, among other words Allergic refer to the name of John and Jan.
Witches, also known in different parts of Catalonia as estregues, sorceresses, gorguines Jane, John, medicinal, sorguines, old or xorguines were humans who attributed all sorts of supernatural powers, claddagh door knocker but these were always inclined to do evil, and were accustomed, especially babies and sick cattle, to Conger huge storms and hailstorms claddagh door knocker that damaged crops were, or giving the evil eye and make all kinds of ligaments. They had the power to transform into certain types of animals, especially cats, foxes, goats, chickens and birds black, although some could become even flies and caterpillars. claddagh door knocker In Castellar believed, for example, the night of San Juan, witches transformed into flies, and so, flying here and there, they could do what they wanted most. The night of San Juan was dangerous, especially to go to uninhabited or approach where gathered to celebrate their orgies and worship Satan, because one could become a propitiatory victim of their fury. To protect against witches and storms and hailstorms these Conger, crosses were made with herbs harvested precisely the night of San Juan, which were hung on the outside claddagh door knocker of the doors and therefore served as a protection against other . Often the image of witches had donot was the old, bad malgirbades, dirty and disheveled, who never cried, just cried, screaming and shouting. Moreover, the image of witches do not always correspond to a repulsive figure. Witches also appeared in an attractive way, as is the case of Formosa seductive maidens Olost, which, on the night of San Juan, offering sweets and fruits to enthrall young bachelors.
Witches sailors, who were those who lived on the coast and only dedicated to misdeeds at sea, the night of St. John held their meetings in the middle of the sea, upon which were maintained as if it were dry land. The presiding demon of the sea, which is different from the demons of the earth, and as witches sailor, only intervenes in foreign sailors. A Pobellà (Pallars Jussà), the janes were kind of witches night for washing down the ravine December ponds and then extended above the juniper ridge, just as women do water and enchanted. At peak they saw someone approaching, they disappeared into the holes and clothes that are found there. claddagh door knocker Some believe that the name of Jane attributed to some places to refer to the haunted, as places known as the Hole in December Janes (Pallars Jussà) and the Chamber claddagh door knocker of Janet (Pallars Sovereign), which is where lived haunted Ancs attributable to these feminine spirits.
On the other hand, Jan sleep, is the name applied to certain lands wizard that governs sleep and dreams, claddagh door knocker calling thus also someone who is happy kind. Canigonencs shepherds on the night of St. John, to start in the art to carry wolves stripped the bottom of the pond Black and clothes hanging in a tree immediately; the point of falling twelve threw the pond, and go to the other side, were transformed into wolves. Wolfpack were great and hoped that the samples claddagh door knocker received much joy and happiness. During seven wolves were like the others, learned all their lives and they caught their friendship and trust. After seven years, GUI

Friday, January 30, 2015

(2005) Pieter Bruegel: Children

This is a blog playful. Want to be a tool to help you find information about the world of games and toys. A simple remedy that brings you closer to childhood memories and invites you to exclaim: What the hell! And why not keep playing? Have a good game!
In principle does not seem fair to have any ingredient other than cattle or show any sign of multisectoral home. Everywhere there is the classic attractions, nothing fancy: Nori, hammers, strollers ...- stalls selling all kinds of products (mineral belts, natural products ...) and places to eat (yes hotdog's and corn in abundance!).
But the clothing of visitors and staging environment that breathes and topically typically American men and women and children of all ages wear cowboy boots and hats wardrobes and wherever you look you see the Stars and Stripes flag.
Suddenly these images that do not go unnoticed at all, makes sense when taken at the site ready to host the rodeo. euro toques The space is elongated like a small football field, which is surrounded by bleachers filled with cowboys who drink Coke and eat moths. Everything is ready to start, but as any good American would need to show the magic spark or surprise. Suddenly and effect as a spring, to me incomprehensible words that come out of the loudspeaker enclosure cause the audience raise their eyes to heaven. Jumps from a plane carrying a parachute attached to a huge American flag standing -dir that more than 15 meters llargada-.
People start to clap and scream like crazy, the "oh! My god! "Heard all around. The parachutist I do not know how he fa- lands in the center of the enclosure quickly and twenty soldiers approaches to prevent and hold the flag touch the ground. The Stars and Stripes heard over the loudspeaker and then everyone gets up and hand on his chest sings the lyrics of the national anthem.
Ignoring me, I thought it only consisted of a rodeo riding atop a horse or an ox or so wild, uncontrolled, and try to stay on as long as possible. Well, the show has these and many other tests: Hold out as long as possible on the horse.
Hold on as long as possible on a bull. In groups of three cowboys get up as soon as possible on top of a runaway horse. In groups of three cowboys get three separate calves from a fortnight (each calf has a different number that indicates that the jury is to be separated).
The show, competition, exhibition 'Tell him how vulgueu- is really amazing and spectacular. Some tests are certainly fantastic beauty treatments, such as speed or separation of animals from the rest of the group. Others have charming then test the strength and skill of the riders. Only proof that tie the veal head and feet causes a certain feeling of rejection saw the animal euro toques lying on one side and another, and then I reflect that it is not only the maintenance of a traditional practice or exercise , arising from labor, which still takes place in certain places and in others it has been replaced by other methods. Finally, and how could it be otherwise, the show ends with a parade of participating riders holding flags of different places of origin.
At the exit and near the site I found one last surprise and awe. It's Mutton bustin. Halfway between fairground attraction and the small workshop for beginners in the world of rodeo, the Mutton bustin is a small space that mimics the rodeo grounds (stands, billboards, closed for animals, boxes for riders euro toques ...).
Here, however, the show is reserved for children aged 3 to 6 years, a certain weight and have parental permission to mount on top of sheep! I can not define the feeling that gives me the show, though not indifferent. And if I get into the skin of the sheep who would become a great school for future riders rodeo!
Blog ed. Physics 2nd ESO
(2005) Pieter Bruegel: Children's games. A walk 1560 2005 -XXVII Baldiri Reixac- Awards (2006/2009) Comenius Project: Traditional Games and Sports in Our region 2006/2009 (2008) Auca traditional games -XI Escolar- Photography Awards (2008) The game has borders. LIC project -Àngels Perez (2008/2009) Comenius Project: Spirit of occasions -Games (2009) The traditional games in the classroom. euro toques Example apliació euro toques practice (2009) The traditional euro toques games, a world of emotions euro toques -vídeo- (2009) The v

It may seem disturbing that now, in Mexico, is also the type H1N1, but these letters do not mean it

Patio by birds and it seems that the time has come to part of the pigs. For years, bird flu was a threat that had worried and news that appeared sporadically, but it was always a very localized shock. define cloche For a few days sacrificed thousands of chickens define cloche or other birds and it was here. The key was that, although occasionally bird flu entrusted to humans, including those not infected, and the disease is not propagated.
But that has changed in the new flu outbreak define cloche in Mexico define cloche has been given. In this case the origin of birds but have not been pigs, but the main difference is that if the virus is transmitted between people. And when that happens the growing problems with uncontrollable speed.
Of influenza viruses there are three, type A is the most common define cloche and is now spreading for Mexico and the United States. define cloche B is less frequent, although every few years a woman fright, and C is the rarest define cloche of all. But each type can be presented in different strains, depending on the type of protein that has the surface. Remember that the virus is simply a bit of DNA surrounded by a few proteins. These proteins are those that will be used to bind and enter cells infect.
In the case of influenza proteins define cloche are two features, define cloche one called hemagglutinin, and give the symbol H and another called neuraminidase that symbolizes the N. Since the two may have different shapes, are numbered, and why talking about the H5N1 virus type, which is the bird flu, but other times it was the H2N2 as the Asian flu of 1957, and the famous Spanish flu H1N1 1918.
It may seem disturbing that now, in Mexico, is also the type H1N1, but these letters do not mean it is the same virus. Just proteins H and N are the same group. The flu changes a little each year and therefore increasingly need new vaccines and will not know for sure how serious.
This time has passed from pigs to humans. We are two animal species that share among other things, many influenza viruses. Usually do not jump between species, but a mutation (and suffer many viruses) can make to begin infecting ourselves. define cloche The mutation causes a protein of the virus present a slightly modified. This new form allows cells to stick to the previously could not do it. As a key if you change a slightly teeth. Suddenly you can open a different locks before. And sometimes, you can now open the lock is a human lung cell.
The worst course is transmitted between people. Coughing liberated thousands of microdroplets of lung fluid, and these droplets (these aerosols) containing inside a considerable number of virus. When someone inhales in the next breath, infection set in his lungs. define cloche But it can also happen that the droplets are deposited in the lock of a door, the bar where we take the subway or the hand when we greet. Worse, the virus infected emit a bit before beginning to be felt ill and close to home drinking juice, define cloche soup and tea eucalyptus.
The question is, how far will this outbreak? Come to become a pandemic? Well, given the mobility of today is quite likely. In most cases, the United States already exist in New Zelada detected in travelers from Mexico and here has been encountered. The WHO and the CDC are already on alert, and the hazard classification on a scale that goes up to 6, we have a 3. This marks the ease of spread and not the danger of the disease. define cloche Please transmitted between humans but not very easily. But the fact is that we are still at the beginning and many missing data. And actually saw the number of cases would not surprise me soon be in level 4 and that it would be much more serious.
Moreover, the mortality define cloche rate in Mexico is now between 2 and 6%. However, in other places where it has been detected appears to be a milder form. As the flu each year. There are different ways of propagating define cloche virus? Analyzes have to wait to find out more.
However, define cloche as the flu every year is different, occasionally there are great pandemics of this disease. This has happened before and will safely happen again in the future. Perhaps this is the time. Luckily fright that gave us the bird flu are now making better prepared. There are drugs that can help treat. This strain define cloche appears resistant to some of you have, such as amantadine, but is sensitive to others, such as oseltamivir (the

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Far from provocation free Luigi Russolo had extraordinary intuition that the challenges of modern m

Luigi Russolo musician symbiotic |
As a specific composer, d142 sound artist and acousmatic music set, now seems necessary to reconsider the history of the twentieth century from my own musical culture. For the design of instruments and the importance of his theoretical writings, Luigi Russolo (1885 - 1947) is undoubtedly the source of inspiration of Varese and the idea of "soundscape" created by R. Murray Schafer, who in turn takes the indirect practice as a source of concrete music of Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry. However, too many schools and trends forget that comprises the history of twentieth-century music. Too many students d142 suffer from limited education in contemporary music called d142 "serious" d142 when the teacher made no obvious allusion to the significant musical contributions to twentieth-century artists such as John Cage, Luigi Russolo, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Pierre Schaeffer, François Bayle Eric Satie, d142 Marcel Duchamp and others. In addition, some international studies dare to distort the definition of sound object, for example following a posthumous tribute to Pierre Schaeffer or even by matching d142 words in a newspaper d142 article as "sound" and "concrete".
Enough of this type of electroacoustic music "wise" which is necessary for a thorough musical training before undertaking anything relating to sound and in relation to which the professor proclaims: "The main problem ... electroacoustic music is the absence of references relevant to the listener and for running. d142 More melody, more harmonious, more points of reference ... ".
For all these retrograde, Russolo and the Futurists still, even today, some provocative. In 1913, they exclaimed: "We, musicians, admire our glorious past ... but think, however, that will open up other paths may be achieved through other peaks absolute destruction of all laws music and thanks to free improvisation. "
So, having already lifted the third millennium unstable character is our duty, regardless of our artistic training, to get involved in the work of Luigi Russolo, interested us this art of noise, the His vision of the artist who observes the world for its global environment. Globalization, networking, information and new tools have transformed d142 the work of the composer, musician ...
Far from provocation free Luigi Russolo had extraordinary intuition that the challenges of modern music involves the enrichment of timbres orchestras through the construction of new instruments. In 1913, in his book L'arte dei rumors, wrote: "It is necessary to expand and enrich growing field of sound. This corresponds to a requirement of our sensitivity. Note that all truly great contemporary composers tend towards more complex dissonances. You must replace d142 the restricted infinite variety of timbres of noise obtained through special mechanisms. "
Russolo not only revealed the musical society, the potential of his invention, but also asked him to listen to this new industrial world of the century: "The old life was only silence. It was the nineteenth century, with the invention of machines, when born noise. d142 Today, the noise dominates and rules over the sensitivity of the people ... Both atmospheric sound of the big cities like fields of old silent, the machine today creates such a variety of noises that pure sound for its small size and monotony, no longer arouses emotion. We crossed a modern capital, with more attentive ear to eye, and change the pleasures of our sensitivity distinguishing the glu-glu water, air and gas in metal pipes, the barbotejos and rattling engine breathe a indisputable animality, the palpitation of valves, the sign-out of the piston, the shrill cries of chainsaws, sound jumps on the tram rails, the clatter of whipping the splash flags. We have fun orchestrating the sliding doors of the warehouse, the gibberish of the crowd, different d142 estrèpits stations, the forges, the mills, printing presses, power stations and underground railways. "
These few lines show the sensitivity d142 of vocabulary Russolo, which the composer uses also for its poetic d142 name intonarumori, machines make noise: howler, Gruñidor, espetegadors, crushing, esclatadors, gloglotors, buzzers if

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2010 (98) May (23) Until next course of Archaeology at the crack already have here !!! Sandy ..

The market hosts a number of different organizations involved sealed archaeological heritage and its dissemination; as well as workshops where children can experience how our ancestors were some of the tasks of everyday life. In this way, participants electric doorbell can learn how to make a buzzer, a rain stick, cut lithic, electric doorbell a lamp, necklaces, cookies, cave painting or metal casting, among many other possibilities.
In this edition, the crack has contributed to a new writing workshop electric doorbell Iberian. This aims to transcribe the children Iberian inscription of The Graduate (Roda de Ter) and wrote his name in Iberian alphabet. Visitors were also able to acquire the various publications of the cracks and be informed of the activities throughout the year organized by the museum. The market, which this year has reached its thirteenth year, is conducted annually and has become a must for lovers of prehistory.
Also called caps: If what is essential safeguards our culture, by towers and gates, lace and pieces of coal, and sites for tiles, mosaics and verses for paints and skins, and everything that makes up what we call heritage, electric doorbell it is our mission energize it and open the doors of museums, churches, archaeological sites, electric doorbell mines, collections for everyone to admire it. A winter electric doorbell until spring 2010 that reveal the passion we feel for Heritage and Museums Network Taps Local.
2010 (98) May (23) Until next course of Archaeology at the crack already have here !!! Sandy ... nooooooo electric doorbell !!! International Day of Museums MUSEUM OF REPOSITORY joins the celebration of the sculptures ... Marta Solsona Crack Moià Prehistory Market Six months later ... 15 May: Night of Museums in Terrace electric doorbell THIS WEEKEND? ?? ESPLUGUES the goddesses Venus and Joules UB DISCOVER ARCHAEOLOGY MUSEUM !! The night of the museums in Badalona Verdaguer 2010. Literary Fortnight. Night at the Museum homecoming Know Prat de Llobregat: urban itinerary. E Transfer of archaeological material ... Can Marfa in 2010. He ... Verdaguer Literary Fortnight. The audiovisual archive Palau Foundation, neat ... Days Accessibility electric doorbell MEETING MANLLEU April (24) March (22) February (13) January (16) 2009 (6) December (6)
2.0 (1) 3rd age (4) 3D (1) accessibility (2) Archaeology (12) Architecture (2) Art (3) Art Current (1) archive (3) Associations (1) audio guide (1) broadcasting (1) scholarship (1) Art Center Tower Muntadas (1) lecture series (5) Matching Unusual (3) international conference (1) lamb (1) devotion (1) Saint George (2) dinosaurs; coal; Fumanya; Mines Museum Search (1) Provincial de Barcelona (1) design (1) Documentation (1) women (1) the Sevillano (2) exhibition (9) party (1) Folgueroles (1) Training (5) historical photography (3) Palau Foundation (3) Immigration (3) IPEC (1) tracks (8) Toys (1) conference (4) book (1) marine (2) historical memory (6) MhiC (4) MM Montmelo (4) MMNMasnou (4 ) furniture (1) Mollet (8) Museology (1) Crack the Archaeological Museum (10) Museum Archive Thomas Balvey Cardedeu (3) Can Tinturé Museum of Esplugues (1) Cerdanyola Art Museum (2) Museum History of Catalonia (1) Museum of Mataró (1) Museum Terrace (2) Ter Industrial Museum (9) Museum Marès Arenys de Mar (4) Museum Marès Arenys de Mar TV3 (1) Museums Esplugues (5) Night of Museums (1) new technologies (1) office (2) Palau Oller (1) Heritage (4) Archaeological Heritage (1) poetry (1) Prat de Llobregat (1) Pulitzer photo 2010 (1) families (2) children (6) reflection (4) Religion (1) Eaves Casamada (1) Sant Adria de Besos (4) Workshop (7) ICT (1) web (3)
Association of Museum of Catalonia Gencat Museums ICOM (International Council of Museums) Ministry of Culture Museum Patrimoni.gencat UNESCO Culture Network of Local Museums

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Games Abstract Strategy Game of the Goose Celtic Games Games Games manqala board games over board d

This is a blog playful. Want to be a tool to help you find information about the world of games and toys. A simple remedy that brings you closer to childhood memories and invites you to exclaim: wqd What the hell! And why not keep playing? Have a good game!
About games and fun activities -in addition to the characteristic wqd of J danced wqd plan of the church, dancing it for hours around a foguera- enjoy the traditional bullfighting horses, donkeys and mules that take place at noon on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 at the circuit output Fontxinxella -a village towards Camposines-, and also given the opportunity to Xalar these competitions wqd on 22 Street -in the population Clots .
In addition, the cultural association The Lute take care of organizing the traditional and popular games on Saturday afternoon 21 to plan the Church. Among the games that are expected boost will find the spectacular recreation of the corrida hanging -dalt a ruquet- a bowling competition, broken tupins the corrida stone or basket, the old game Trisella and especially for children, the game catxapera. At the end of the afternoon games there will be a tug especially among married / Dec with single wqd / anything.
Blog ed. Physics 2nd ESO
(2005) Pieter Bruegel: Children's games. A walk 1560 2005 -XXVII Baldiri Reixac- Awards (2006/2009) wqd Comenius Project: Traditional Games and Sports in Our region 2006/2009 (2008) Auca traditional games -XI Escolar- wqd Photography Awards (2008) The game has borders. LIC project wqd -Àngels Perez (2008/2009) Comenius Project: Spirit of occasions -Games (2009) The traditional games in the classroom. Example apliació practice (2009) The traditional games, a world of emotions -vídeo- (2009) The greenway in Terra Alta (2009) Tr @ dijoc: School Sports World Congress in Catalonia (2010) grouping Games and strategy. Cooperative and inclusive practice (2011) 2000 years ago, in which they played Empúries? (2011/12) Artijoc. Toys Impossible (2014) 3R Games recycled material (ICE Working Group Terres de l'Ebre)
Play it! Blog institute Flix
Recycle Art Database games around Yacht Club Flix Building Games Circus Joseph Invernó scientific explanation and rules of folk toys Games Historical Games Festijeux cooperation and peace games and sports games Soto de Cameros Gallo / Breton traditional Canarian Games Juegos Popular and traditional Les jeux arbore More than games Origami Oriol Comas Coma Oriol Ripoll Oriol Ripoll (II) Origami Creative Resources Reciclajoc All physical education may play
Games Abstract Strategy Game of the Goose Celtic Games Games Games manqala board games over board design board games Viktor Baptist Board games Board games for French continents Masters Traditional Games Petroglyph Games All Games Rules on games awale Traditional Games
Race canteretes IES Flix Coldplay Madrid 2 - 6 Barça fellowship pure Circus butterflies, passing castles wqd and respect, cooperation and effort traditional games, a world of emotions! FC Barcelona 2009 Champions League Final Jugamón jousting boats in Sete music that motivates Nick Vujicic, Nick Vujicic overcoming the limit: values and emotions circus music Nino Rota A cat plays: One, Two, Three Statues!
Hostel / museum games to BRETAGNA Herri Musikaren Txokoa (Basque Country) MNT Sport and archeology museum traditional Juegos de Campo (Huesca) University Museum Waterloo (Canada) Museo de Albarracín (Teruel) Madrid Museum Museo del Juego Giocattoli povero Llonovoy Museum ( virtual) Museum of Toys and Automata Museum of Verdú Nuremberg (Germany) Museum Seiffen (Germany) Museum of Sonneberg wqd (Germany) Museum of Traditional Games (Belgium) Museum of History Museum Enfant Tunisian Toy Sant Feliu Guíxols Museum of Civilization -Canada. virtual- Toy Museum of Catalonia (Figueres) Toy Museum popular (Brazil) Swiss Museum Game (La Tour de Peilz) Valencian Toy Museum (IBI) Museum of Childhood (Cambridge) Musée du Jouet Moirans en Montagne (France) Pollock's wqd Toy Museum (London) Sportimonium Belgium Veni, vidi, playful
Grouping Deportiva Games Altoaragoneses Friends of spinning Let bòlit -Anglesola- Association of Galician Association of Xogos Popular Jugamos todos European Association Associazione Giochi Antichi Traditional Games Toy Games Club CAE Manresa wqd House of games Brest Confederation FALSAB Federazione Italiana Sport Giochi e Tradizionali Festijeux ITSG International Traditional Games & Sports Association Jocari. Landmark on the old games Games Traditional Games Britons traveling with centers gioco- The lucertola tanguillo The Lo Lo Lute Lute, cultural association wqd Asco Map leap -Brasil- do Museu do -Bra popular Toy

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Last Tuesday, 11 November 2014, we went hiking in the Caves of Toll. In the morning when we opened the doors up to class and wait for all the students and teachers.
When they all went to get the bus to travel Moià (where the Caves of Toll). When we get to Moià, had breakfast and played a little, each class had had a monitor activities and other teaching caves.
There were three caves: Cave dead Teixonera cave and cave big puddle. First we we entered the great cave of Toll. We travel about 100m or so. The instructor taught us ceramic fragments and lifestyles .Then we change the other group and we go to the other activities and class entered the caves. The monitor did activities, Jofre showed us the kind of fake bones and how they worked: how did the fire and made a buzzer, which is what used to communicate the Prehistoric. After lunch we went to the park and play a little. Twenty intercom doorbell minutes later we returned to school in Granollers.
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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Suggest other ways for me to reach out. I d like your input on both conventional and creative ways t

When you re running for Congress, physically knocking on all the doors in your district is not practical. With 750,000 citizens in the Missouri 2 nd Congressional District, candidates generally rely on other, less direct ways to make contact with voters. That s unfortunate, because talking face-to-face with potential constituents is the best way to get to know the needs of the district and to share your message. One of my strategies in this campaign is to enlist thistles tuam the help of my supporters in getting out my message via social media. thistles tuam
A virtual door-knocker is a person who campaigns for me using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and email. Without leaving your home, you can help spread the word about my campaign through your personal social-media network. You do NOT have to live in the 2 nd District to help with this plan. The more awareness of my campaign we can build, the better. Out-of-district publicity could have an impact, too.
Send me your ideas for tweets and posts. There are several ways you can do this: Send me links to articles that you think I should be reading, commenting on and tweeting thistles tuam about. Suggest the exact wording of a tweet, whether it s a clever thought or a simple declarative sentence, or even a question that sums up a relevant issue. You can send your ideas to me via email [ ], or via Twitter or text message [314-495-1720]. I m rather new at Twitter, and it really helps to get these kinds of specific suggestions from people who with ore experience at saying it just right in a tweet. Suggest hashtags for Tweets.
Tweet and post on Facebook about my campaign on a regular basis. [Daily? Weekly? Twice a week? Whatever fits your schedule.] Be sure to include @Lieber4Congress in your tweet, so I will see it. Feel free to copy and paste info and wording from my campaign web page, . I post new articles on issues frequently, so there should be something there for you to refer to.
Suggest other ways for me to reach out. I d like your input on both conventional and creative ways to make contact with voters. If you belong to a group that might be interested in hearing what I stand for and how my campaign thistles tuam is different, send me contact thistles tuam info, and I can try to set up a presentation. Or, if you think of an unconventional outreach strategy, let me know. I m listening.
Whatever you’re doing, please let me know. We’re trying to create a bigger buzz on Facebook and Twitter, and as it happens, we want to know which supporters have helped make it possible. Just send me a quick e-mail at and let me know how many people you have worked to reach and how successful you think it has been.
November 24, 2014 at 8:01 pm
Progressive Democrats, Lieber supporters, take 10 minutes and 10 seconds out of your day to tell your friends about the League of Women Voters Candidates Forum, Weds., Oct 22, 7 pm, at Meramec thistles tuam Community College. (Map) in the student center. (Directions) Arthur will be at the podium, along with his Libertarian opponent. Ann Wagner? Haven't heard from her. For more details, please click here.
I began this campaign by not taking any campaign contributions because I abhor the current incestuous relationship between money and politics. However I have been convinced that small donations are good; they represent a way for supporters to become an active part of the campaign. Contribute to the campaign and that truly represents grass-roots democracy. I am now accepting contributions of up to $10.10 per person. Why $10.10? thistles tuam Because that is the new federal minimum wage proposed by President Obama and other Democrats. If enough people contribute, it will indeed make a difference in how many mailings I can do, how many billboards I can have, and even how many TV ads I can have. By not seeking or accepting large contributions, I can focus my time on talking with constituents, studying issues, and once elected, doing the day job of a Congressman as a representative of everyone in the district.
Donate to Arthur Lieber for Congress Proposed minimum wage (10.10) Donate (3.00) Donate (1.00) Employer & Occupation (Required) : You can also send a check/money order to: Lieber for Congress P.O. Box 410064 Creve Coeur, MO 63141
-Talk about how this is a different kind of campaign. -Talk about my campaign and how I'm only asking for small contributions. -Host a meet-the-candidate gathering: Remind invitees that I won t ask them for anything more than the minimum wage. -Vote for me on November 4, 2014, and encourage others to do the same: Nothing is more important in a mid-term election than Democratic turnout. Support any of the following organizations, who are working to reform campaign financing: Public Campaign Fair Elections Now (Common Cause) thistles tuam

Friday, January 23, 2015

"Pitao jednom tako jednoga vrli pitac neki: A kto je ta

"Pitao jednom tako jednoga vrli pitac neki: A kto je ta  šta je ta da prostiš Gdje li je ta Odakle je ta Kuda jeTaBosnaRekti A zapitani odgovor zonnette njemu hitan tad dade: Bosna da prostiš jedna zemlja imade I posna i bosa da prostiš I hladna i gladna I k tomu još Da prostiš PrkosnaOdSna." (iz pjesme Zapis o zemlji)
9x12" on birch cradled panel "Halka" These old door knockers can still be found on many front yard doors in Bosnia. In the past, a visitor would come to the door and knock three times to let the owner of the house know they are there. Most likely, the visitor would be unexpected. Now, I stop and think about that for a moment. When we were growing up, there were always visitors coming to our door unexpected. Even though zonnette we did not have real door knockers on our door, it seems like the imaginary one existed zonnette there. Sometimes, family members would come and stay with us for days. My parents always welcomed them with open arms. The relatives would bring with them stories, sometimes sad ones, sometimes hilarious ones, and sometimes zonnette quite dramatic ones. They often brought gifts of food or homemade goods with them too. This is something that just does not seem to happen in North America. Here, we do not have door knockers on our doors, not even imaginary ones. Unexpected visitors are creatures that do not exist :). We schedule our social commitments days, weeks and months in advance. We are so busy with work to welcome a friend who comes knocking. zonnette So, if you are in my neighbourhood, please knock three times to let me know you are there (or in our virtual world, at least leave a comment :)) For this painting I used crackle Golden medium to create the look of an old cracked door. It takes a few days to really zonnette dry completely so I planned this ahead and had the board ready and dry before the challenge started. In the next 29 days, small format paintings will be posted on my blog. I don't even know what I will be painting yet, but it sure is a challenge for me to paint bits and pieces of my memories.
Natasa Vretenar
▼  2015 (23) ▼  January (23) Piggy, Day 20, 30 in 30 days, Nema tice do prasice... Bijeli Jelen, Day 19, 30 in 30 days, 24x36" Day 18, 30 in 30 days, Na Drini Cuprija, The Bridg... Day 17, 30 in 30 days, Bosanski cilim Day 16, 30 in 30 days, Dunja, Quince Day 15, 30 in 30 days, Šafrani Day 14, 30 in 30 days, "At RIver Bosna Spring", 6x... Day 13, 30 in 30 days, Bosna River Spring, 6x12" Grandma's Mandarin Oranges, 6x12", 30 in 30 days D... Milner Gallery Show in Downtown Edmonton Sheep, zonnette 8x10", 30 in 30 days challenge Day 10, Mountain Shelter, 30 in 30 days Koi I and II have a new home Day 9, 30 in 30 days, Stećak, 9x12" - Bosnian Medi... zonnette Day 8, 30 in 30 days challenge, Most na Žepi, 12x1... Day 7, 30 in 30 days, Badnjak Day 6, 30 in 30 days, "Medvjed" Skakavac waterfall, Day 5, 30 in 30 days Day 4, 30 in 30 days, Tornjak / Bosnian Mountain S... Day 3, 30 in 30 days challenge, "Bosnian Horse" Serene zonnette Vistas at Milner Gallery in Downtown Edmont... Day 2, 30 in 30 days challenge, "Gold Lily" Day 1, 30 in 30 days "Door Knocker", Halka ►  zonnette 2014 (88) ►  December (12) ►  November (13) ►  October (8) ►  September (7) ►  August (6) ►  July (5) ►  June (16) ►  May (11) ►  February (3) ►  January zonnette (7) ►  2011 (16) ►  November (1) ►  October (2) ►  September (2) ►  August (3) ►  July (4) ►  June (1) ►  May (1) ►  April (1) ►  January (1) ►  2010 (136) ►  December (11) ►  November (7) ►  October (10) ►  September (12) ►  August (5) ►  July (4) ►  June (5) ►  May (18) ►  April (13) ►  zonnette March (12) ►  February (16) ►  January zonnette (23) ►  2009 (35) ►  zonnette December zonnette (3) ►  October (3) ►  September (5) ►  August (1) ►  zonnette July (5) ►  zonnette June (18)
Johnathan zonnette Harris Fine Art Blog

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Adventure Diving Malta Sunny Coast Resort Triq Il Luzzu Qawra SPB1981 Malta MTA Licence DIVE 0082 Te

This door knocker was spotted in Valletta while walking the streets on a non diving ring the doorbell day. Valletta is  a ring the doorbell wonderful place, each turn of the corner ring the doorbell bringing new things to see, new roads and streets to explore. A fine alternative to diving when the conditions are less than ideal! Check our website for details of our  Autumn special offers   More of our photos can be found on our  Facebook site  
Adventure Diving Malta Sunny Coast Resort Triq Il Luzzu Qawra SPB1981 Malta MTA Licence DIVE 0082 Tel: +356 2157 4526 Mob: +356 9964 4095 ring the doorbell E: Twitter: @AdvDiving.Malta
►  2015 (59) ►  January (59) ▼  2014 (39) ►  December (13) ▼  November ring the doorbell (21) Never Fall in Love with a Scuba Diver Scuba gear baggage discount on Air Malta Prices announced for Hollis Explorer Rebreather co... It's much better when you can see the wreck you ar... Diver silhouetted in Tunnel ring the doorbell Moon rise over Ghallis Tower November, and the flowers still bloom on Malta More hand signal practice! The sea is a little higher today... The Dry Suits are coming out! Cirkewwa Arch looking its best Getting some great hand signals at Adventure Divin... Tuna ships in St Paul's Bay Fountains are a favourite feature Beautiful sunset over Malta Hollis Explorer Rebreather course dates announced Malta Cross as a door knocker November butterflies grace Malta Beams of sunlight trickle through the bay Halloween dive was Grrrrrreat! Evening clouds from our PADI Dive Resort ►  October (5)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Muckenthaler and her friend Terri had been knocking on doors along Elizabeth Lake Road in Waterford

Home About Us / Contact Directory Events Online Community Garden (reader support) Sponsorships / Advertising *All Articles* *Blogs* Food Important Interviews Music and Art Pets and Animals is celtic irish or scottish Views *County News* *State News* Addison Twp. Auburn Hills Berkley Beverly Hills Birmingham Brandon Twp. Clawson Commerce Twp. Farmington/Farmington Hills Ferndale Groveland is celtic irish or scottish Twp Hazel Park Highland Twp. Holly Huntington Woods Independence Twp / Clarkston Keego Harbor Lake Angelus Lathrup Village Madison Hts. Milford Novi Oak Park Oakland Township Orchard Lake Orion Twp. Oxford Pleasant Ridge Pontiac Rochester/Rochester Hills Royal Oak Royal Oak Twp. South Lyon Southfield Sylvan Lake Troy Walled is celtic irish or scottish Lake Waterford West Bloomfield/ Bloomfield Hills White Lake Twp. Wixom ~Election Information~ is celtic irish or scottish ~Jobs~ ~Resources~ ~Video~ Oakland County One~Fifteen ~Reader-supported community news hub for Oakland is celtic irish or scottish County, Michigan~
For some the drive to get involved in local politics comes from a calling is celtic irish or scottish to make a difference. But on a beautiful September Sunday that calling led political campaign volunteer Nina Muckenthaler to something more than door knocking. That day she saved an injured woman.
Muckenthaler and her friend Terri had been knocking on doors along Elizabeth Lake Road in Waterford on Sept. 23. She was talking to people about the Michigan State Senate race for the 14 th District, and about Democrat Bobbie Walton. Muckenthaler is Walton s Campaign Manager and Treasurer. After hearing about the experience, the oc115 approached Muckenthaler to share the story.
Originally we hadn’t planned to knock doors on that street, but I felt it would be good to get it done. So, we started walking and talking to people around 2:30 that day. It was a beautiful day along the lake. I had no idea what was to come, she said.
I had knocked on 1 or 2 doors and was walking along looking at the glistening lake. Then, I realized that I had missed a house. I went back to the address. It was about 2:45 pm. From the road, the house looked very quiet and it looked like no one was home. I expected that I would just leave some information is celtic irish or scottish about Bobbie on the door. I knocked on the side door and immediately heard something unexpected. It wasn’t very loud, but it sounded like someone said, “Thank God! Come in! I need help!” is celtic irish or scottish I was shocked and wasn’t sure that I heard it correctly. Maybe it was the TV? I paused for a moment to see if I would hear something more. There was nothing. Did someone really need help? It was an odd situation. Should I leave? I decided that I needed to check.
Cautiously, I turned the door handle and opened the door a few inches. In a loud voice I said, “Did is celtic irish or scottish you ask me to come in?” I heard a woman say, “Yes! Thank God! I need help!” I opened the door and stepped inside the house. The kitchen stairs went up to my left and the basement stairs descended in front of me. At the bottom of the stairs sat a woman with her back to me. Her legs were stretched out in front of her. Immediately I noticed that one leg appeared to be about 4 or 5 inches shorter than the other one. She told me that she had fallen going down the basement stairs. I told her that I didn’t think we should move her. She said “No. Call 911″. I was relieved that she seemed to be coherent and that I didn’t see any blood. I called is celtic irish or scottish 911. The poor woman kept yelling out her address as I was talking to the dispatcher. I told them that a woman had fallen and couldn’t move. I hung up and told the woman that help was on the way. She exhaled and I could see her shoulders relax.
I looked at my voter information and saw her name and that she was 83 years old. She said “Oh, thank God. I have been here since 6:30 this morning. I was going down to the basement and missed the last step. I fell, and when I hit the floor I heard something pop. I pulled myself back to the steps, but there was no way that I could get up the stairs.” She had on a light night gown and house coat, and had been sitting on the cold concrete floor since 6:30. I couldn’t believe that she had been there for 8 hours! I asked if she wanted me to get her some food or water. She initially said no due to her situation. I told her that she had been there for quite a while and I was worried that she might get dehydrated. I encouraged her to have a few sips of water. She asked me to get her green cup from the refrigerator, which I did.
I handed her the cup. She took a sip, closed her eyes and paused, and then took another is celtic irish or scottish sip. Then, she exhaled deeply. She looked exhausted and pale. She reached to sit the cup down by the side of the step. I saw her hand trembling and stepped down to help her with the cup. This was the first time she had seen my face, even if it was just from the side. Then she asked, “Who are you?” I told her my first name and that I was just knocking on doors fo

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The culpable person in this tragedy is Joseph Muscat. Muscat KNOWS that JPO needs professional (poss

Jeffrey the Door-knocker (distantly related to Kurt the Keychain) doribell | Daphne doribell Caruana Galizia
U Peppi spicca bil-borom tahtu.
December 14, 2014 at 4:58 am
December 14, 2014 at 9:49 am
Do you find it strange that last Friday’s (12/12) doribell edition of Xarabank is not available doribell for on-demand viewing on TVM’s website, but instead the 5/11 edition is still available when each week’s edition is normally discarded and replaced by the current week’s?
If this is being done on purpose, then the unwanted door-knocker has most certainly embarrassed doribell the Moviment no end for them to go to such lengths to “help us forget” this remarkable episode.
Secondly, since he has got some mental condition, we cannot hold him responsible for his displays of irrationality and instability, his frightening ire and other patently neurotic if not even psychotic behaviour.
We are morally bound to exonerate him of his deeds. No mentally-ill man is liable for his deeds. That’s a basic principle of civilisation. And therefore, Frank Psaila should not attack him. We do not attack a mentally-fragile, mentally-unstable person, because we know that those who do not know what they are doing, are innocent.
[Daphne – You are absolutely doribell wrong in that. The fact that a person doribell has psychiatric problems does not exonerate them from responsibility for their actions, not even from criminal irresponsibility. The testing point is awareness of what you are doing. If you are aware, doribell then you are responsible and you will also stand trial. Not even being high on drugs or drunk is a mitigating factor, but rather the opposite. The defining characteristic of this man’s illness is actually hyper-awareness of what he is doing, and obsessive plotting, planning and scheming – so there is no way on earth he can be absolved from lack of awareness. Lack of awareness would apply to full-blown untreated schizophrenia in which the individual hears voices that tell him how to act. That is most certainly not the case here. But I repeat that psychiatric doribell conditions do not make for absence of culpability – that is precisely why prisons have psychiatric units and secure doribell wings for those who are extremely dangerous in this respect. With your line of reasoning, almost nobody would be in jail or fit to stand trial, because anybody who murders others, rapes them or fiddles around with children has got something wrong with them up there. The psychologically sound do not behave that way.]
The culpable person in this tragedy is Joseph Muscat. Muscat KNOWS that JPO needs professional (possibly doribell psychiatric) help. He knows it and yet uses JPO’s weakness as a weapon against the PN. Without the shred of a scruple.
[Daphne – I agree with you there. It disgusts me too, but then remember that it started under Sant. It was Sant who was leader when they began using Jo Said, who was so mentally ill that he couldn’t even work and had been ‘boarded out’. Yet he presented as a fairly rational but angry ‘Sliema switcher’ and those who are unobservant failed to recognise the signs. He campaigned for Labour again publicly the last time round and then he killed himself. I say this only to illustrate the point I had been making since he first appeared just before the 2008 general election: Labour’s use of him was absolutely gross. I say the same about Labour’s use of Franco Debono – which is far, far worse because they have mocked public office by making him ‘Law Commissioner’ when they know that he has problems; they shore him up, cover up for him, let him do what he likes – he’s always walking around Valletta or in restaurants – and when he spins out of control and begins texting them a thousand times a day, they say in parliament that they will name a law after him. This is the height of irresponsibility.]
Beppe Fenech Adami should not have attacked JPO. He should have spoken to JPO in a Christian-like fashion. He should have told him, “Listen Jeffrey. Can’t you see that Muscat is using you? Can’t you see that he sent you here to deflect the discussion? Jeff, can’t you see that your life is drifting away into nothingness? Can’t you feel that you’re being sucked down a vortex from which there is no return? Can’t doribell you realise doribell that you have to take action before doribell it’s too late, to save yourself from total annihilation?”
[Daphne – What does Christianity have to do with it? Please don’t drag religion into it. It is not necessary to be Christian to be civilised. And quite frankly, that would have been utterly the worst way to speak to anybody, because it comes across as patronising, smug and self-satisfied. The only way to speak to that man is brusquely and with a few home truths. He absolutely can’t handle it. Unfortunately, the home trut

If you own a drill press, band saw or other woodworking equipment, some of the steps shown here will

Woodpecker Door Knocker
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With just a few tools and some wood scraps (time to use that old pallet that's sitting behind your garage!), you can make this delightful knocker for your door. I saw this on an old log cabin years ago and made a few for my family and friends. The cool part about this project is that you don't need any advanced skills or large, expensive woodworking equipment. jannie haek
Here's what you'll need: Wood - In the spirit of reuse, I hacked apart an old shipping pallet. I harvested some 1/2" and 3/4" hardwood. A spring. About 2" long, not too fat, maybe 1/4" max. You can find these at home improvement stores for cheap. A small piece of metal for the bird's jannie haek nose / striker. 1/4" is good, or whatever you can find. I'm using a wood screw for this 'ible. A small piece of metal to use as the strike jannie haek plate. A coin will do nicely. A metal pin to use as a pivot. I'm using a finish jannie haek nail. Some chain - 1/4" or less is best, since it will have to run through a hole drilled in the bird's body Small eyescrews (3) - two for the spring, one for the chain Some screws Some paint and primer. It will be outdoors, so use paint that will hold up well. A weathered look is nice, but peeling paint isn't so appealing. I used the classic black, red and white for my fellow.
If you own a drill press, band saw or other woodworking equipment, some of the steps shown here will seem pretty primitive. My goal was to make this project accessible to folks who don't have loads of tools or cash, so I'm only showing techniques that use relatively inexpensive tools. If you have fancy tools, you probably don't need me to elaborate on their use anyhow. :-}
Not only is this a really lovely door knocker (and one I'm putting at the top of my "To-Do... when needing a break out in the garage from mother in law minding" list!) but you may well have saved my da's life. He retired from teaching not all that long ago, and is seriously starting to get on my mum's last nerve. He's bird obsessed (it's a family obsession, to be fair) and this is just a perfect addition he can putter with for the house! So useful, creative, AND saving the life (and sanity) of my folks! Not too shabby for a bit of wood on a wall!
Will do. Sent him the info last night and this morning he is rummaging in his workshop to see what he has on hand to make it today. He says he wants to make a small version for his 'mistress' Miss Molly (his obsession of the last few years - a slowly being totally restored 1968 rv, complete with shag carpeting and orange & avocado color scheme) for RV parks, but the first one will be scaled up several times. Pileated woodpeckers live in their part of southern Ohio and he is gonna try to make a knocker in line with them - and they grow to about 18in. Will grab photos when he is done!
I love this! :)
very nice. I think I'd like to modify it a bit so the tail feather assembly is attached to the head and rocks as well, add lead weight to the underside of the tail feather as a counterweight, and then you won't need the spring assembly.
Nicely done!
Lion door knocker by chicopluma
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Monday, January 19, 2015

Door Knocker Media Made with

Door Knocker ringringring Media is open for business. We have a mug now, so it must be real. Not long ago, Door Knocker was just an idea based on a simple principle: great people, killer content, dynamic results. That principle seems to jive with people. Before launching our site, or even settling on a name, the life cycle of client ideas, creation, release and results started to flow. We are really proud of what we ve achieved and excited for the present that keeps posing as the future. For those of you who need engaging content to help drive your business (and let s face it, who doesn t), lets grab coffee . After all, we have mugs now. ← Previous Next →
Door Knocker Media Made with

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Star Wars X-Wing Knife Block

Glowing Eyes Lion Door Knocker | GeekAlerts
Most door knockers are designed to get the attention of the person inside the house, but this one also get the attention of the person doing the knocking. In addition to an aged bronze finish that gives the all-weather resin lion medallion and metal ring a classic aged look, the lion’s eyes glow an eerie red with each knock of the metal ring. Use it for Halloween to create a spooky setting or keep it on the door all year long just because it looks cool.
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About Marty Shaw Marty Shaw is a Texas-based writer, who is addicted to geeky gadgets and all things Doctor Who-related. When he's not trying to figure out a creative way to hitch a ride in the TARDIS, he imagines what it would be like to live through a zombie sinitta renet malone apocalypse as an uncool version sinitta renet malone of Daryl Dixon.
The Official Doctor Who Card Game
Star Wars X-Wing Knife Block
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Saturday, January 17, 2015


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If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing timer analogico messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.
I've seen the other knocker, timer analogico the 'deaf' one, on display at the Center timer analogico for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta. They didn't allow photography, but I found this pic online. Wish they had them both on display. They're timer analogico supposed timer analogico to have several hundred more Henson-donated puppets that aren't timer analogico shown, awaiting a larger wing for them. Maybe the other knocker is one of them. Your sculpt is looking great, can't wait to see it finished. Alex
CaptainEO, I've already been using that and a couple others that look like they might also be from you. They're a big help!!
Zlurpo View Profile Latest Posts Member Since Oct 2010 Messages 626
Looks awesome! You gonna do the other one? Probably only if someone hires me to do so. This was a commissioned piece at work, and actually took quite a bit of time and effort. So to make another one would pretty much require someone hiring me again. timer analogico
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Using one-color letterpress printing and a perfectly registered gold foil, the intricate door knocker illustrations in the set remind me of the one that came to life on Scrooge s front stoop. The rich feel of the Reich Savoy paper brings adds a special touch to each line detail.
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Friday, January 16, 2015

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Oberon Brass Door Knocker
Oberon Brass Door Knocker
Give your home’s entrance a regal appearance as guests are greeted by the Oberon brass door knocker. This 22″ brass door knocker displays Oberon – king of the fairies – cast in brass, with a sizable knocker piercing his cheeks.
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Thursday, January 15, 2015

You may also enjoy throwing your hard earned cash away on... Mustache Cookie Cutter Planetary Plates

Glowing Eyes Lion Door Knocker
Glowing Eyes Lion Door Knocker
Scare trick-or-treaters from the moment they walk up to your home and see the glowing eyes of the lion door knocker. The resin sculpted lion sports an aged bronze finish, giving it an antique look complemented by two demonic eyes that glow red each time a guest knocks.
You may also enjoy throwing your hard earned cash away on... Mustache Cookie Cutter Planetary Plates Cardio Exercise Game App Super Mario Piranha brass bell push Plant Earrings Zombie Apocalypse brass bell push Survival Cabinet Pop-Up Book Of Sex Bless This Motherfucking Home Stitch Jellyfish Pool Lights Glow In The Dark Lipstick Rainbow Pencil Star Wars Light Up Lawn Ornaments Octopus Chandelier World’s First Real Hoverboard Charlie Brown Sweater Tortilla Baby Swaddle Blanket Shark Cage Diving Experience Floating Wireless Speaker Zelda Triforce Lamp Inflatable Car Bed Milk & Cookies BFF Necklaces Topographic Tea Table Two Person Underwear brass bell push The Water Jet Pack Sword Handle Frying Pan Star Wars Wedding Rings Ghostbusters Vigo Replica Painting Miniature Golf Billiards Dog Umbrella Amphibious Recreational Vehicle brass bell push Star Wars Carved Crayons
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

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Taken on December 13, 2014 226 Views 0 Galleries
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<iframe src="" height="500" width="375" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen wire cloche webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe src="" height="100" width="75" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> <a href="" title="Sad pig doorknocker by chrisinplymouth, on Flickr"><img src="" width="75" height="100" alt="Sad pig doorknocker"></a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Sad pig doorknocker[/url] by [url=]chrisinplymouth[/url], on Flickr <iframe src="" height="75" width="75" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> <a href="" title="Sad pig doorknocker by chrisinplymouth, on Flickr"><img src="" width="75" height="75" alt="Sad pig doorknocker"></a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Sad pig doorknocker[/url] by [url=]chrisinplymouth[/url], on Flickr <iframe src="" height="150" width="150" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> <a href="" title="Sad pig doorknocker by chrisinplymouth, on Flickr"><img src="" width="150" height="150" alt="Sad pig doorknocker"></a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Sad pig doorknocker[/url] by [url=]chrisinplymouth[/url], on Flickr <iframe src="" height="240" width="180" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> <a href="" title="Sad pig doorknocker by chrisinplymouth, on Flickr"><img src="" width="180" height="240" alt="Sad pig doorknocker"></a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Sad pig doorknocker[/url] by [url=]chrisinplymouth[/url], on Flickr <iframe src="" height="320" width="240" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> <a href="" title="Sad pig doorknocker by chrisinplymouth, on Flickr"><img src="" width="240" height="320" alt="Sad pig doorknocker"></a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]

Monday, January 12, 2015

We are also excited to introduce our lion Antique Brass Door Knockers ! These Antique Brass Door Kno

Recent Posts Get Scrappy with Graphic 45 Layouts! Altered Art Friday with Graphic 45 It's a Graphic 45 Sneak Peeks Recap Graphic 45 Sneak Peeks: Home Sweet Home Graphic 45 Sneak Peeks: Precious Memories Graphic 45 Sneak Peeks: Artisan Style Graphic 45 Sneak Peeks: Deluxe Collector Editions: Once Upon a Springtime and An ABC Primer Graphic 45 Sneak Peeks: pass and stow Shadow Boxes and Claw Feet Staples Graphic 45 Sneak Peeks: Mixed Media Albums & Door Knocker Happy New Year from Graphic 45!
Design Team Andrew Roberts - Australia Annette Green USA Clare Charvill - Ambassador Denise Johnson pass and stow Special Projects Designer Donna Espiritu - Saudi Arabia Ginger Ropp - USA Ginny Nemchak - USA Jane Tregenza - Ambassador Jim Hankins - Ambassador Katie Zoey Ho - Singapore pass and stow Keri Sallee - USA Laura Denison - Ambassador Lori Williams - USA Miranda Edney USA Nadya Lifa - Russia Nichola Battilana Canada Rhea Freitag USA Romy Veul Netherlands Solange Marques - Brazil Tati Scrap - Spain Yumi Muraeda - Japan
It's Sneak Peek time! The most fun time of year for us here at Graphic 45. We're getting ready for CHA, kits are flying out the door, and now we get to introduce our amazing G45ers to the new products! Today, we start with our brand new Graphic 45 Staples pass and stow ! Each and everyone is so fabulous. You will want to use them for all your future projects. Look for these new collections in stores in the next couple months.
Also, a great part of Sneak Peeks is FOUR chances per day to WIN IT BEFORE YOU CAN BUY IT! Doesn't that sound amazing? We thought so. You could win a 8x8 paper pad, chipboard, die-cut pockets pass and stow and tags, and a 6x6 paper pad, a $30 value! All you have to do is comment here on the blog or on Facebook to win. How easy is that? We will announce our first four winners tomorrow here on the blog, so don't delay and take part in the commenting fun!
First, we are so excited to introduce our new Mixed Media Albums in Kraft, Ivory, and Black. These amazing albums measure 8.25 x 8.75 x 2 inches (210 x 222 x 51 mm). Each album includes: 4 pocket of dividers, 10 ivory art sheets, 10 Kraft Art Sheets, 8 Vellum Sheets, and 102 photo corners. These will be perfect for your album projects!
We are also excited to introduce our lion Antique Brass Door Knockers ! These Antique Brass Door Knockers come with 2 screws, and the knockers measure at 2 x 1.2 x 0.6 inches (52 x 30 x 15 mm) each. Bring charm and elegance to every altered art project. They come two to a pack as pictured below. So fun!
Today, we have an album from Denise Johnson using these fabulous new Staples. What a fabulous journal using Time to Flourish for the year! She has instructions under each set of pictures as a guide to recreate your own.
2. Create inside pockets- I created a decorated pocket for each month. Each pocket features a photo block to mount a special picture of the month and a magnet on the back so I can display each month's pocket prominently on the fridge. I can add bits and pieces of collected keepsakes and mementos throughout the month. When the month is complete I'll add the pocket full of memories to my journal and display the next months for more collecting. An easy way to remember the little things as the months go by.
3. Create inside calendar pages- using the 8x8 Calendar Pad, I created a month page for all 12 months, adding numbers, birthdays and special occasions using stickers and chipboard elements. Creating these pages ahead of time will make it easy to fill in daily/weekly doings, memories & events as the year progresses.
Mixed Media Album Antique Brass Door Knocker Time to Flourish- 12x12 Papercrafting Paper Journaling & Ephemera Cards 8x8 Calendar Pad Chipboard 1 Chipboard 2 Cardstock Stickers Cardstock Alphabet Stickers Artisan Style Craftsmanship Times Nouveau Classic pass and stow Collection It's the Berries Large Tag Album Metal Clothespins Ornate Metal Keyhole Ornate Metal Brads Washi Tape Staples Alphabet Stickers Misc. Leftover Graphic 45 Cardstock Stickers (Place in Time, Bird Song, French Country, Steampunk Spells) Misc. supplies: Metal frame Metal photo corners Paper flowers Wooden deer Steampunk Doily "Journal" chipboard letters Chalkboard pennant Gypsy Tags 3-D Adhesive Circle Punch Hole Punch Ribbon scraps Jute Distress Ink & Tool Distress paint Hand stamped muslin ribbon pass and stow
Technorati Tags : Altered , Antique , Antique Brass Door Knockers , Art , Black , CHA , Contest , Craft , Create , Denise Johnson , DIY , Family , Giveaway , Graphic 45 , Home , idea , Ivory , Journal , Kraft , Mixed Media , Mixed Media Albums , New Collections , Scrapbook , Sneak Peeks , Staples pass and stow , Time to Flourish , Vintage , Win it before you can buy it
Posted by: Kristina pass and stow Slocum pass and stow | January pass and stow 02, 2015 at 05:13 AM
Must have!!! I love those new albums and door knockers. Yes, 2015 will be a happy new year when I can create new memories with Graphic 45s Beautiful papers,

If we find you doing these things, your comments will be edited without recourse and you may be aske

The numbers using public transport in Auckland are increasing, but it's still something of a running joke and the much-trumpeted rail link is facing problems as the bureaucrats question the costs . Auckland Transport and Work Communications have been trying to convince more people to take the bus, train or boat and they won a TVNZ- NZ Marketing Award for their trouble . They've also got Jerome doorbell battery Kaino onboard to help spread the message and, at the smaller, more Colin Craig-ish end of the mascot spectrum, comedian doorbell battery and Radio Hauraki DJ Tim Batt has gone on a crusade to get people's views on what the new transport network for West Auckland should look like in a campaign that was shot by Omincron Productions.
This is a community discussion forum. Comment is free but please respect our rules: Don t be abusive or use sweary type words Don t break the law: libel, slander and defamatory comments are forbidden Don t resort to name-calling, mean-spiritedness, or slagging off Don t pretend to be someone else.
If we find you doing these things, your comments will be edited without recourse and you may be asked to go away and reconsider your actions. We respect the right to free speech and anonymous comments. Don t abuse the privilege.
2009 EFFIE Awards TVNZ unveils its 2015 lineup From watching to making: how viewers' social interactions with shows are influencing entertainment Year in Review: Campbell Gibson, NBR Year in Review: Julian Andrews, Whybin\TBWA What's Next? Mike Tod
The last post: blips vs. curves New State Insurance print ads are smashing Data dump: mmmmm, beer Top ten most-read StopPress stories of 2014 Not Beersies satire continues with brew kit, pouring guide and (not) beer garden Readers are liars and thieves: Auckland researchers show the enduring appeal of magazines with waiting room study
Digital Media Planner / Buyer Auckland Ad Impact Awards: Brought to you by Colmar Brunton
Honouring the ads and the agencies responsible for them that make the biggest impact on consumers and get more bang for the client s buck. Colmar Brunton award for Natures's Fresh 'No Nasties' ad Expertise
The year in pictures: Getty Images' top searches Getty Images' doorbell battery predictions for visual content marketing in 2015 Changing doorbell battery the world, one image at a time: Getty s visual trends sets the scene for 2015 From mobile to desktop: Getty expands its Stream app Top 20 Getty images chosen by Kiwis over the last year TVC of the week: Brought to you by MediaWorks
Why doorbell battery we like it: strong story-telling, beautiful cinematography and a perfect catchphrase combine in this spot to give a stunning visual representation of the sense of freedom that Sky is attempting to relay. And while the ad is being used to promote the updates to the Sky TV on-demand offering, the metaphor doorbell battery used could just as easily be applied to other areas of the viewers' lives.
Why we like it: FCB does a brilliant parody of the infomercial tropes of omniscient narrators and people doorbell battery just generally being very bad at everyday things. And while this isn't a TVC, the series of three clips released online have provided an entertaining extension of a campaign that aims to make water an acceptable option at the bar.
Why we like it: Air New Zealand tugs at the heartstrings with a Christmas spot that gives a few Kiwis kids living in rural New Zealand a bit of Christmas magic. The general mood of this feel-good spot is perfectly captured by the young girl who says: "This is the best day of my life."