When you re running for Congress, physically knocking on all the doors in your district is not practical. With 750,000 citizens in the Missouri 2 nd Congressional District, candidates generally rely on other, less direct ways to make contact with voters. That s unfortunate, because talking face-to-face with potential constituents is the best way to get to know the needs of the district and to share your message. One of my strategies in this campaign is to enlist thistles tuam the help of my supporters in getting out my message via social media. thistles tuam
A virtual door-knocker is a person who campaigns for me using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and email. Without leaving your home, you can help spread the word about my campaign through your personal social-media network. You do NOT have to live in the 2 nd District to help with this plan. The more awareness of my campaign we can build, the better. Out-of-district publicity could have an impact, too.
Send me your ideas for tweets and posts. There are several ways you can do this: Send me links to articles that you think I should be reading, commenting on and tweeting thistles tuam about. Suggest the exact wording of a tweet, whether it s a clever thought or a simple declarative sentence, or even a question that sums up a relevant issue. You can send your ideas to me via email [ lieberforcongress@gmail.com ], or via Twitter or text message [314-495-1720]. I m rather new at Twitter, and it really helps to get these kinds of specific suggestions from people who with ore experience at saying it just right in a tweet. Suggest hashtags for Tweets.
Tweet and post on Facebook about my campaign on a regular basis. [Daily? Weekly? Twice a week? Whatever fits your schedule.] Be sure to include @Lieber4Congress in your tweet, so I will see it. Feel free to copy and paste info and wording from my campaign web page, LieberforCongress.com . I post new articles on issues frequently, so there should be something there for you to refer to.
Suggest other ways for me to reach out. I d like your input on both conventional and creative ways to make contact with voters. If you belong to a group that might be interested in hearing what I stand for and how my campaign thistles tuam is different, send me contact thistles tuam info, and I can try to set up a presentation. Or, if you think of an unconventional outreach strategy, let me know. I m listening.
Whatever you’re doing, please let me know. We’re trying to create a bigger buzz on Facebook and Twitter, and as it happens, we want to know which supporters have helped make it possible. Just send me a quick e-mail at lieberforcongress@gmail.com and let me know how many people you have worked to reach and how successful you think it has been.
November 24, 2014 at 8:01 pm
Progressive Democrats, Lieber supporters, take 10 minutes and 10 seconds out of your day to tell your friends about the League of Women Voters Candidates Forum, Weds., Oct 22, 7 pm, at Meramec thistles tuam Community College. (Map) in the student center. (Directions) Arthur will be at the podium, along with his Libertarian opponent. Ann Wagner? Haven't heard from her. For more details, please click here.
I began this campaign by not taking any campaign contributions because I abhor the current incestuous relationship between money and politics. However I have been convinced that small donations are good; they represent a way for supporters to become an active part of the campaign. Contribute to the campaign and that truly represents grass-roots democracy. I am now accepting contributions of up to $10.10 per person. Why $10.10? thistles tuam Because that is the new federal minimum wage proposed by President Obama and other Democrats. If enough people contribute, it will indeed make a difference in how many mailings I can do, how many billboards I can have, and even how many TV ads I can have. By not seeking or accepting large contributions, I can focus my time on talking with constituents, studying issues, and once elected, doing the day job of a Congressman as a representative of everyone in the district.
Donate to Arthur Lieber for Congress Proposed minimum wage (10.10) Donate (3.00) Donate (1.00) Employer & Occupation (Required) : You can also send a check/money order to: Lieber for Congress P.O. Box 410064 Creve Coeur, MO 63141
-Talk about how this is a different kind of campaign. -Talk about my campaign and how I'm only asking for small contributions. -Host a meet-the-candidate gathering: Remind invitees that I won t ask them for anything more than the minimum wage. -Vote for me on November 4, 2014, and encourage others to do the same: Nothing is more important in a mid-term election than Democratic turnout. Support any of the following organizations, who are working to reform campaign financing: Public Campaign Fair Elections Now (Common Cause) thistles tuam
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