Wednesday, March 25, 2015

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Ondarossa wins Popolare both speakers interphone tribe closed. Popolare is just too old style radio. There are programs and presenters, etc. sehvid. Many shrugged: frustrating. Ondarossa the other hand, has a balcony and views on the news interspersed with music. interphone tribe Fast-food left-wing. Hey, if I use the radio to the Internet anywhere in lylitan, then I can not be bothered any kyll interviud side start listening. Vot. I guess I will never change my opinion (as a multi-hour Italian-language talk shows Parise also become interphone tribe understandable) and delete this post and removed. Category or designation "sandbox", and hide the AA. Oh, yes. Is it just seems to me that the Italians have such respect for the Spanish-speaking and the hands behind the pro-music, which is still only in my body, I've noticed. In addition to Latin America interphone tribe and the heroic past of "santo subito Zapatero" hyydlausele haa just overwhelming pleased brother yle. I guess all of my acquaintances have never Local and repeatedly derailed and Spain have approved it. Prior to my coming to Italy, Spain, looked at me a long misplaced Italian refugees facing the end: but what you're looking for from Italy. Diversities in which they warned me they had a right, but still. Battaglia: Belpaese vs. Espa nA. Who will win?
Mhmh, I Zapatero Santo subito all had in mind. Its really have been able to fulfill the promises interphone tribe in front of voters and coalition partners. Catalonia, gay marriages, etc etc. But before Zapatero had to power again, Partido Popular fascists. Not very long ago. And this phenomenon is somewhat sygavam, music already talked about, but also the land, which is almost as promised (tourism) of the Earth. Suddenly contemporary (Franco concurrent) cheap travel interphone tribe destination because of the idea. Italians reminiscences from Barcelona / Madrid Spain is full of yleyldse no desire / promise. The size, frequency, and human (wild kàmpimise) freedom. Mah. Anyway, like I do, because I share their opinion interphone tribe in full: D Delete Reply
I also went to Italy in the meantime. We stayed with friends at the Bergamo wore. Ruulis totally interphone tribe Milan, Via Monte Napoleone, in particular, were especially interphone tribe cool mohäärkampsunid Pradas, I bought one, totally worth 450 euros. Armbands pushivad negroes were annoying like gypsies begging at intersections. The Italians seem to work hard striking as they say, the man of my acquaintance drapery man just speaks to koliks Spain and take advantage of chili. People are nervous and crazy traffic. Greetings to the left :) Delete Reply
Jake, I haa glad that you liked the Lombardy. Bergamo interphone tribe is a very sehv city, along the jaw me well. Bergamo People are also more active recently, local multiethnic, community -rassiline just recently organized a demonstration-product of immigration relief. In Italy, interphone tribe namely, interphone tribe still profashistide Bossi and Fini created product, from which I have written here somewhere too. If its products to meet you, you'll interphone tribe know why people on the streets of your nipple or simply myyvad kysivad interphone tribe money. Hunger in no laws, the work can not be improved at the will. I suggest you experiment interphone tribe procedure n-town train to come off the credit cards and phones before going home, and then to leave the human way to look for work. If you ònnetukesel the first time in years, then, you are well. But do not you worry about Milan, life becomes even more politically interphone tribe correct for people like you. It stands for HAA our dear Mayor Moratti. New apartments in the city center and the businesses acquired by the Chinese yteldi to this land in private ownership is not sacred, and they have to move out of town. Naviglist (popular channels in the tavern-linear region) were driven away all those tyytud strap and kellamyyjad. You already love Montenapoleone interphone tribe loved ones suffer the same fate awaits the Brera restaurant area: mostly from Africa tànavakaupmeeste delivered instead of 90 pure-blooded Italians tourists to skim. So ykspàev vòidki come without fear that people with poverty and hunger in no way interfere with your evening meal, a benevolent tyytamise Instead, you can feel the right kind of Italian vòòrapòlgust. Traffic in Milan ... well he is so very bad. On average, interphone tribe once a week, you can run out of any of the cyclist, but it is those who still counts. The exhaust gases on the other hand produce beautiful downtown sfumatura, pale blue haze, through which It looks beautiful and melancholic. Also healthy for you, Jake, the next time you come to Milan Contact yhendust. Ability yheskoos Idroscalos South Americans have a picnic, go to a concert or CS Leoncavallo, CS Cantieres or maybe a bottle of wine in the shade of skin placed. Well, if you're not afraid of communists, of course, but still afraid of them, they eat children, but you, Jake, you're a big man, after all. Delete Reply
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