"Training your dog - bathroom away from home!" | Roa Canan - Pet Hotel Curitiba digizon
The arrival of a dog is a great joy to any home. But it soon becomes clear that training your dog to go to the bathroom in the right place is number one priority. And that should be the very first thing to teach your new companion.
There are numerous different methods to teach dogs to go to the bathroom. Each book has one and it seems that every friend or relative knows a different method too, but I'll teach you a way that never failed with my students. digizon This method requires a high level of commitment in the beginning, but the results are coming soon and forever.
For your puppy, there is no right or wrong place to go to the bathroom. When he feels the urge, it is natural to do there. It is up to the owner to teach what is right place and strengthen when it hits.
The dog's natural instinct is to keep clean the place where he eats and sleeps. Let's use this instinct in our favor. Incidentally, this is the basis of all my method: to understand how the dog thinks to communicate effectively with him.
In the beginning, your puppy should be constantly supervised and be limited to a specific area of the house, eg the living room or dining when you're digizon at home or laundry and service area when the dog is alone. It should only walk free in other parts of the house, when fully trained. The dog may be confused with very different spaces and also prevents accidents in bedrooms or carpeted, etc. areas. digizon
Understand that young can not hold for long. It is important that you adopt a schedule to give food and water for your dog. Feed it every day at the same time (never close to bedtime) and remove the food and water before you go to bed (do not forget to fill the water container so you wake up). Your dog will get into that routine and "what digizon goes in on schedule comes out on time." Understand, huh?
Never give a scolding or hit your puppy when he 'do' in the wrong place. This will only make him associate that 'doing' near you is wrong, and will always digizon want to make hidden, which makes training much harder.
This method is to be used whenever you are at home. Do it the best you can. Some dogs will learn in a few days, others may take a few weeks, depends on your dog. Have a little patience, it will be worth.
Here in the U.S. it is very common for puppies being trapped in a cage until fully trained. We Brazilians digizon tend to think this is a cruel thing. But if you think about it, wild dogs live in dens and pups spend most of their time in and will only play out as they learn to defend themselves. Cage plays the audio for the puppy. In a future newsletter I will talk in more detail about training using cage.
You can also use a small fenced for your puppy to be his "play" area. It should be comfortable, with walks, fresh water and some toys for him to bite. Do not place newspaper or similar for it to go to the bathroom. I recommend the enclosure, but should not have more than 1 square meter depending on the size of the puppy. digizon
1. Choose a place away from home for your dog's bathroom. You can be in your backyard, in a square digizon or street. The important digizon thing is that it's always the same place and of course, you then collect the waste.
2. Keep your puppy in his enclosure or cage or even on a leash attached to his chair when working. Your puppy can not walk through the house loose at this stage, it should always be confined. Take your puppy to the bathroom every 60 minutes. Take it too 15 minutes after eating (most puppies digizon poop 15 min. After eating), so he wakes up from any nap and just before sleeping at night. Charge it or take it on a leash, but go straight to the chosen place. Carry with you a treat to use as reinforcement.
3. Another important thing is to learn the signs he gives you. Most dog when need to go to the bathroom, gets busy, late, or want to go to the door. Any time you notice these behaviors, take it out immediately.
4. When you reach the designated area, walk to and fro, or in circles. While repeat a word-command that you want your puppy to associate the act of going to the bathroom. I use "can now" but select any word or short phrase and always use the same. In the mind of the puppy, you are creating an association between "can now" and go to the bathroom. This is the first word and command you will teach your puppy. After talking much more about keyword command.
5. If your dog does not 'do', keep repeating the word command and the instant he finished the service, praise him enthusiastically
The arrival of a dog is a great joy to any home. But it soon becomes clear that training your dog to go to the bathroom in the right place is number one priority. And that should be the very first thing to teach your new companion.
There are numerous different methods to teach dogs to go to the bathroom. Each book has one and it seems that every friend or relative knows a different method too, but I'll teach you a way that never failed with my students. digizon This method requires a high level of commitment in the beginning, but the results are coming soon and forever.
For your puppy, there is no right or wrong place to go to the bathroom. When he feels the urge, it is natural to do there. It is up to the owner to teach what is right place and strengthen when it hits.
The dog's natural instinct is to keep clean the place where he eats and sleeps. Let's use this instinct in our favor. Incidentally, this is the basis of all my method: to understand how the dog thinks to communicate effectively with him.
In the beginning, your puppy should be constantly supervised and be limited to a specific area of the house, eg the living room or dining when you're digizon at home or laundry and service area when the dog is alone. It should only walk free in other parts of the house, when fully trained. The dog may be confused with very different spaces and also prevents accidents in bedrooms or carpeted, etc. areas. digizon
Understand that young can not hold for long. It is important that you adopt a schedule to give food and water for your dog. Feed it every day at the same time (never close to bedtime) and remove the food and water before you go to bed (do not forget to fill the water container so you wake up). Your dog will get into that routine and "what digizon goes in on schedule comes out on time." Understand, huh?
Never give a scolding or hit your puppy when he 'do' in the wrong place. This will only make him associate that 'doing' near you is wrong, and will always digizon want to make hidden, which makes training much harder.
This method is to be used whenever you are at home. Do it the best you can. Some dogs will learn in a few days, others may take a few weeks, depends on your dog. Have a little patience, it will be worth.
Here in the U.S. it is very common for puppies being trapped in a cage until fully trained. We Brazilians digizon tend to think this is a cruel thing. But if you think about it, wild dogs live in dens and pups spend most of their time in and will only play out as they learn to defend themselves. Cage plays the audio for the puppy. In a future newsletter I will talk in more detail about training using cage.
You can also use a small fenced for your puppy to be his "play" area. It should be comfortable, with walks, fresh water and some toys for him to bite. Do not place newspaper or similar for it to go to the bathroom. I recommend the enclosure, but should not have more than 1 square meter depending on the size of the puppy. digizon
1. Choose a place away from home for your dog's bathroom. You can be in your backyard, in a square digizon or street. The important digizon thing is that it's always the same place and of course, you then collect the waste.
2. Keep your puppy in his enclosure or cage or even on a leash attached to his chair when working. Your puppy can not walk through the house loose at this stage, it should always be confined. Take your puppy to the bathroom every 60 minutes. Take it too 15 minutes after eating (most puppies digizon poop 15 min. After eating), so he wakes up from any nap and just before sleeping at night. Charge it or take it on a leash, but go straight to the chosen place. Carry with you a treat to use as reinforcement.
3. Another important thing is to learn the signs he gives you. Most dog when need to go to the bathroom, gets busy, late, or want to go to the door. Any time you notice these behaviors, take it out immediately.
4. When you reach the designated area, walk to and fro, or in circles. While repeat a word-command that you want your puppy to associate the act of going to the bathroom. I use "can now" but select any word or short phrase and always use the same. In the mind of the puppy, you are creating an association between "can now" and go to the bathroom. This is the first word and command you will teach your puppy. After talking much more about keyword command.
5. If your dog does not 'do', keep repeating the word command and the instant he finished the service, praise him enthusiastically
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