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Hello everybody! Let's start a new series here at Critters Corner plug in transformer on clicker training based on the book Book Level of Susan Ailsby with free translation by me and the author herself permission to publish the Portuguese version of this site. It is a series of 26 chapters, which will post out the introduction now, each dedicated to a behavior to work the dog at various levels of difficulty. Read the introduction, straight as it explains the purpose of the book. After, we will post gradually each behavior. And have fun with your dog! INTRODUCTION To compete in tournaments of obedience, the dog must learn to sit (level of competition), plug in transformer stand, lie down, stay in all positions for varying times, walking along and come when called. To compete plug in transformer in agility, the dog should know "curling" (pass through the slalom), jump, go through tunnels, walk the runway and seesaw. Grazing, hiking, schutzhund, conformation, water trails, flyball, scent, search, freestyle plug in transformer - all kinds of canine sports have their needs. The biggest cause of "failure" is not due to the training itself, but other small things. Dogs come in exhausted competitions drive. plug in transformer Spend the whole weekend without rest. They invest and bite other dogs. Are frightened by loud noises and strangers. Weep and howl in their shipping boxes. Halfway through the presentation, want to see other dogs and people. Pretending to work, but without teamwork. Or if you have brilliantly out of the ring and completely lose their heads inside. Handlers and dogs go home frustrated and upset. The "secret information" that is missing for trainers: a great competition dog needs the same skills as a pet dog. How far will the trainer to reach the perfection of certain behavior depends entirely on him. Clear that a pet dog does not need the same level of training as a service dog. For the title of obedience level one, the same amount of training is required to participate in a dog agility trials. The BASIC skills, however, are the same, and it is on them that the book speaks. When you complete Level One, begin to see that you can communicate with your dog. A Dog Level Three has most of the skills it takes to be a great companion. Plus, you will have the necessary skills plug in transformer to teach you more than any behavior you want. In Level Five, you and your dog really communicate and already have most of the skills as well as many behaviors, which lead directly to specific skills needed for certain sports. You worked hard for attention, teamwork and duration of behavior. Level Six and Seven - now, you start getting into competitive level and service dogs. A Dog Level Six is one step closer to a title competition, because it has all the necessary behaviors. At this time, train for skills competition as concentration, teamwork, desire and ability to learn, search plug in transformer results and understand that to get what he wants, must figure out what you want and give it to him. We can do all possible. Why? Simply because the dog already knows that you are a team. WANT to learn new things. Understand self-control. Relazed around other dogs, people, equipment and situations. The following behaviors are important to transform the dog in a partner and team member steps. In the final level, the trainer can choose specific means of their own interest, or work them further to give the dog greater versatility: 1.Vem. To go from one person to another, come across other dogs and people, for a formal Call. 2. Contacts. A skill of agility with applications in many areas. You can stop the dog wherever you are, whenever you want. 3. Crate. plug in transformer The dog learns to be confined at home, in the car and at the vet. To enter the transport of goodwill box and remain there - calm, quiet and relaxed. 4. Distance. The dog learns to respond to calls by and AWAY from you. 5. Lie. 6. Lie is. At sight, out of sight, confident and calm. 7. Finish. Lateral movement to obedience and agility. The dog is on your left. 8. Front. 9. Go to bed. Put the dog anywhere so you can do what you need with the calm and confident dog out of the way. 10. Lets see. Stir in the dog's body under any circumstances, cut unhar, brushing the hair, making
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