Sunday, February 22, 2015

For this and Manuel Maria Vidal Bolaño, we should apply the law of parties, tell that to James and

Explanatory note There are days when entering the blog about a hundred comments (readers are even more). bulgin Of course, I can not respond to all messages and even sometimes forget to refer to matters which I am directly questioned. My time is limited and there are other commitments. I want to bother anyone, because if at some point I forgot to answer any question. Moreover, bulgin I hope that the profile of the blog will remain as before, with rules regarding courtesy and elegance intellectual. bulgin In recent days I felt the sensation of seeing get a breaker of interventions not yet accustomed to this style, perhaps boring sunny where other rules of conduct are different. I hope newcomers join keeping the same style and profile that characterizes us here: the blog does not want to be anything other than what is already a gathering of friends / as, ideological positions of different, but all partners of the same spirit tolerance and democratic values.
What moral misery shows you, Mr. Valcarcel, in that explanatory note! We have opened discussions on freedom of expression, but then ask the new ones, the ones that are incorporated into this elite field, refined, democratic, of course, how would miss that adxetivo ?, behave well. See welcome but cumplide standards, headquartered welcome but portádeos well, thirst welcome but not Armed bulla. What are you afraid, Mr. Valcarcel? What word? To dissonance? What inconvenience? To zafiedade? Do the ideas expressed starkly? To what? I never thought that you would make a similar warning. bulgin Never suspected that in his blog may appear an explanatory note which implies the exclusion of the "newcomers". What more similar unfortunate! bulgin Amen. Thu. February 14, 12:54:00 pm
Remember the respect does not seem bad, but unnecessary, since so read, not all interventions never broke unspoken respect necessary. The courtesy seems a gravel "posh" and hypocrisy unnecessary. And the intellectual elegance, completely cheesy. Thu. February 14, 01:43:00 pm
What would be relevant and appealing to the quiet. There is a climate of tension if not of good crossing encouraged by means motivated by the upcoming elections, and this weather can contaminate unnecessary and opportunistically this blog. Thu. February 14, 01:59:00 pm
In this blog there was always bulgin very intense debates, full of bustle and fury, counted or not crazy, but always swollen bulgin from arguments. The courtesy and respect these rules of relationship between people were occasionally overwhelmed, because heat from the dialectic allows. But whenever we return to the watering reasoned argument, and if I allow the term civilized. I do not think the tension external influences: perhaps the use of certain rhetorical resources (such as hyperbole or vituperatio) are not sufficiently polished. But are things of forensic speeches: without the spicy, acumen, who would we be? That's right: no mancármonos. Thu. February 14, 02:10:00 pm
it is nonetheless something cheesy or valcárcel but not sure trabuquedes, the blog is free. the case is that the free speech believe all Vaneigem by, but none of these could limit here into three groups that nominal thing has been that of "democratic values." also suppose that we believe in free speech and Ogro -as well feita- besides seem evil Franco died in bed. and that does not seem to flow applied to them the good guys FIES code antiglobalisasao that are falling after the first summit in Seattle. and we were with Manuel Maria Vidal Bolaño and when they were asking bulgin for a pardon for "political prisoners galegos" in 2000, claiming he already paid "more than you should." because we all agree, right? depending on the response of some of my icons permanent reference this blog siñor valcárcel -apicultor, lettuce (despite their superficial allusions to the Sophists ... was he or celery?) and especially platanito-, I will say "I run" or follow encirrando the candid aroma of pines to revise as thick nick (or let practi blogonovela, two artifacts customs sure you do not fight :) I was pavese, but now I will be desnos. Italian bulgin was sad exaculador early, and that when he tiptoe. Thu. February 14, 02:11:00 pm
For this and Manuel Maria Vidal Bolaño, we should apply the law of parties, tell that to James and Lettuce in consistency with their interventions are reportedly in jail Thu. February 14, 02:21:00 pm
Just to Demetrius, the first Anonymous: Do not you understand anything or this explanatory note or other messages my. The only thing I say is that the blog has a profile and style and will continue to exist while maintaining those coordinates. It has nothing to do with old and new: there is no meat antiques and all are either re

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