Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Imagine if you can, a small room as the hexagonal rendez vous avec un ange cell of a bee. Not a win

Luddite | Atoms and bubbles
EM Forster wrote in 1909 a short story entitled "The Machine Stops". As they are prone to useless occupations are not suitable for my chances, achégolles another translation Ryanair. Again date: 1909. The machine rendez vous avec un ange stops CHAPTER I: The airship.
Imagine if you can, a small room as the hexagonal rendez vous avec un ange cell of a bee. Not a window or a lamp to illuminate and yet, is flooded a soft glow. No openings for ventilation, but the air is fresh. No musical instruments and yet, by the time you get this my reflection, the room vibrates with melodious sounds. In the center there is an arm-chair; their next desk. That is all the furniture. And there in the chair, sits a lump of meat faixado well, a woman of about one meter fifty with a face as white as a fungus. Is she who owns the small room.
"I suppose I have to see who" thinks, and puts his chair in motion. The chair, like music, works by mechanical means and transfers to the other side of the room where the bell is still ringing insistently.
"Who is it?" He asks. His voice sounds irritated because outside rendez vous avec un ange interrupted several times since the music started. He knew many thousands of people; in certain aspects, human relations had advanced considerably.
"Okay. Let's talk. Illareime. I do not think anything important happens in the next five minutes; I can concederche five full minutes, Kuno. Then I have to give my talk on "Music rendez vous avec un ange Australia during the period."
But there have been fifteen full seconds before the round plate holding in his hands began to glow. A faint blue light appeared on it, darkening rendez vous avec un ange to the purple and suddenly saw the image of his son who lived on the other side of the planet and the candle she could.
"Shhhh!" Said his mother slightly scared. "You must not say anything against the Machine."
"You talk as if a god had created the Machine," cried the other. "I think you pray when you are sad. It was created by men, do not forget that. Great men but only men. The machine is very important, but not all. I see something of you on this board but do not see you. So I want you to come. It makes me a visit and so we can see each other face to face and talk about the projects that Bulen in my head. "
"I do not understand."
"The four largest stars would shoulders and knees of a man. The three stars of the environment would be like the belts that men wore old and the three stars would be hanging like a sword. "
"In airship ..." He stopped and she caught some sadness. He could not be sure because the machine is not transmitted nuances of expression. Only gave a general idea of the people, an idea that was sufficiently rendez vous avec un ange adequate from a practical point of view, thought Vashti. That outbreak imponderable that a discredited philosophy rendez vous avec un ange considered the essence of the relationship, rendez vous avec un ange it was rightly ignored by machine like the flowering of the grape was ignored by producers of artificial fruit. Something "good enough" had been accepted by our race had already long.
"The truth is," he continued, "I want to see the stars again. They are very curious stars. I want it sails from the airship but from the surface of the earth as we saw our ancestors thousands of years ago. I want to visit the surface of the earth. "
"There is nothing wrong," replied being controlled. "But rendez vous avec un ange not any good. The surface rendez vous avec un ange of the earth is just dust, there is no life in it, and would require a respirator or otherwise, rendez vous avec un ange the cold outer space matting. One dies instantly in outer space. "
He held the light and the look of your room flooded with light and dotted with electric buttons, reanimouna. There were buttons to switch on all sides, buttons to order music, food, clothes. There was a button to call for a hot bath and when a prize pool of (imitation) marble, emerged from the ground filled to the brim of a liquid deodorant and warm. There was a button for the cold bath. There was a button that produced literature and, of course, had buttons with which communicated with friends. Although the room was nothing, was connected with all that she was interested in the world.
Then Vashti erased the switch isolation and all messages accumulated in the last three minutes before it broke. The room was flooded with noise of bells and pipes speakers. He knew the new food? Recomendábaa? rendez vous avec un ange He had had some idea lately? Could a tell their own ideas? Committed to visiting the wards public proximamante, say, one day this month ?.

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