Thursday, December 26, 2013

A medium? In fact, out as an independent editorial content - and led by former Focus ed

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SPD Chancellor candidate Peer Steinbrück draws in the online campaign. After Facebook and Twitter will be communicated cloche jar via a blog - but not by Steinbrueck himself. The Hamburg SPD politician can prefer other cheer for themselves. Under a four member editorial draws under the leadership of the former Focus editor Karl-Heinz Steinkühler in the election campaign. The cost for Spiegel Online cloche jar speaks of a six-figure budget for the blog, which is played by not-called cloche jar entrepreneurs.
The online presentation of the chancellor candidate Peer Steinbrück has so far been quite bumpy. The Facebook page was a long burst, a Twitter presence cloche jar was publicity given the cancellation, then Steinbrück made but the backward roll, without convincing. cloche jar A Blog? So far non-existent. Yesterday, went online. First post, time dated back two weeks: coarse satirical Chancellor's Bashing cloche jar by an unnamed author of the official video "The Chancellor's Week". "It's good that the Chancellor can bite hearty" cloche jar is to read the same as in the first sentence. And further: "The cloche jar Chancellor enjoys it every time chapel, tight march music, Saluting time the slapstick already started cloche jar at minute 1:50..." Always fixed it. "Here is a medium created" Amazingly, cloche jar however: cloche jar is not an official campaign blog of the SPD. But: "We have Peer Steinbrueck asked if we should blog for him (...) Peer Steinbrück has listened and analyzed He gave his OK, that we can use his name for this blog offside his party Here.... a medium created them. "
A medium? In fact, out as an independent editorial content - and led by former Focus editor Karl-Heinz Steinkühler, in consequence of which three other editors of its Düsseldorf agency about and blogging for Peer Steinbrück, including the former Deputy chief editor of Focus School, Claudia Jacobs. Steinkühler is no stranger: The mirror brings it to the blog "Wir in NRW" in conjunction, cloche jar the 2010 had "significant influence by revelations during the election campaign in North Rhine-Westphalia in ensuring that (the then Prime Minister Jürgen) Rüttgers sent into early retirement and the SPD and Green introduce a narrow election victory possible, "said the Hamburg news magazine in the issue published today. "Peer Steinbrück want it that way"
"We are independent," explain the yet, "Peer Steinbrück wants it that way." The impression of independence acts after the first cheering contributions to the SPD chancellor candidate ("After cloche jar Berlin din Peer makes on the land"), however, as satire. The blog "of outstanding entrepreneurs in Germany who appreciate Peer Steinbrueck, his political skills and his personality" is financed is, "About Us" to read in the category. Spiegel Online, cloche jar meanwhile, speaks of a "six-figure sum", supported by "five entrepreneurs who want to remain anonymous for the time being." In the print edition, cloche jar it is slightly more specific: cloche jar Untet the five entrepreneurs would be "the founder of a Munich Internet company and a Hamburg businessman". Your goals are clearly defined: the entrepreneurs want, "that this man Germany missed an idea for a secure economic future in the social balance that Peer Steinbrück cloche jar Germany ruled you want a chancellor who stabilized Germany in Europe and in the world... you only put on the person Steinbrück. cloche jar "
"It's a long run. Now we start!" The blog itself also starts with an extremely ambitious claims. In order not less than the change in political communication should go there: "The German policy has not (yet) understand how to do it While use almost two thirds of all members of parliament have a Facebook page, a quarter of the Federal cloche jar Minister tweeting even daily, but the. policy makers at the Berlin Reichstag dome

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