Monday, December 16, 2013

This is the greatest wealth in Nordmore at the time. For all properties and all values, silver and

History Portal Blog Archive As Gjendem: Generations by Aukra Priest Peder Andersen Acherøensis who died on Riksfjord in 1601.
Peder Andersen was 30 years chaplain Bid parish, which also included Hustad, before joining Aukra while it took legal action against the former priest, Ole Thordsen, who had killed his son Samuel inadvertently. (Cf. Johan Julnes: Bygdebok for Aukra vol. 1 pp. 45 f) And so it was that he was on Riksfjord until his retirement in 1584. Country history states that he only had his son Anders (1585-1655), vicar of Tingvoll in Nordmore who joined in 1622, and was married to Margaretha Jens Daughter. The investigation showed quite a sensation when it was dealing with two sons in North More.
A genetic change in the bailiff dog bell for door residence Vestad in Veøy parish 25 May 1707 by the late widow Elsebe Thomasdtr. dog bell for door Friis, sal. Jacob Lund (ie priest Jacob Lund Jacobsen in Frosta, Nord-Trøndelag), which was moved to his daughter as ten years time was the owner of this farm, showed that Peder "Acherøensis" also had a son # 2 named Erich as wrote the Gjuel or Juel. Enka has two efterladte børn 1: late Thomas Pedersen Juel, 2: Karen Pedersdtr. Juul GM priest Boy Boyesen Friis. Guardianship of the two is Peder Eriksen Juul, pastor of Verdalen, (cf. Erlandsen Bd 1 p 351).
How could Karen Juel be the same person with five husbands in a row, and towards 15 children, no wonder it seemed that Erlandsen pp. 499-500 had a problem with sorting woman and offspring. First husband Claus Bendixen Friis, son of the priest Bendix Clausen in Innvik in Nordfjord, Sogn og Fjordane. Thankfully could Romsdals things Protocol No. 1B page 77 for the year 1693 10 - July on Grøvdal in Ice Fjord, Hen association of Grytten parish (Rauma) help reduce the siblings.
For here it is stated that Mr. Claus Bendixen dog bell for door Friis has three children namely Niels Clausen and John and Anne Claus-daughters, all bred with the same saddle. Wife March grethe Jørgensdtr. A daughter of the predecessor in the call to Cross Church. Two grandchildren are included. Furthermore, Karen Juel in marriage # 2 be married bishops son Anders Bredahl, parish priest of the large parish Veøy which included Vestnesstraumen and Tresfjord. Bredahl-kids are accounted for Anders Bredahl genetic change from April 1671 to Veøy.
The only peculiarity in this context is a child too much, namely Maren Boyesdtr., (Call Andersdtr. # 2), all of which are located as the daughter of Boy Boyesen Friis and Karen Pedersdatter (called "Lem" but of course "Juel "). Then a shift according Romsdal shift Protocol No. 8 page 436, opened May 24, 1754 at Naess in Rauma by Mme. Maren Boyesdtr. Friis who leaves man Sr. Ludvig Lem and their two children: Madame (poison) Ingeborg Helena Lem and 2: Virgin (unmarried) Karen Lem. Captain Lossius guardian for them both. It requires inheritance maiden aunts Ane Christine Christophersdtr. Lem and his sister Elisabeth Margaretha Christopherdtr. Lem. Possible heirs Ane Boyesdtr. Friis, also daughter of Boy Boyesen Friis. dog bell for door
I changed the Vestad in Bud parish in 1738 by Hall. Erich Andersen Bredahl acting brothers Christopher Lem Lem and Louis as guardians for their daughter Elisabeth. In Molde Church rekneskapsbok page 5 for the year 1690, dated 20 November, churchwardens Joen Joensen, (ie Johan Johnston Scot) and Matz Clausen ("Flensborg-" Lund) claim compensation for completed registration and accounting for sales. Anders Bredahl happening in Trondheim.
Finally, we can mention the shift in Romsdals clerical change protocol for the year 1734, the date November 10, page 171 The minister Anders Lem is survived by widow Karen Pedersdtr. Lem at Brevik in Hen. Her first two children, Christopher and Louis Lem, then their wives Maren and Anna Boyesdøtrer Friis. As absent heirs listed Berendt Bredahl in Bergen, Christopher Wessel in Bjørnør and Anders Pedersen Bredahl.
Collin determines Karen Juel "in dog bell for door the following events motherhood Elsebe Thomesdatter saddle. Jacob (Jacobsen) Lund according to the change of frost in 1726 and says she was married priests Anders Bredahl in Veøy, Boy Boyesen in Veøy that changes in 1707 and last husband Andreas Lem. Yes, still not figure dog bell for door been five. The salient point is that Bredahl-kids inherit Frantz Lorentzen (Flensborg-) Lund on Einset in North More.
This is the greatest wealth in Nordmore at the time. For all properties and all values, silver and gold from ASPA's estate has accrued to this garden. Meaning lies in his wife Margrethe Olsdatter. (1) Fully "on Einset". She was first married dog bell for door to the wealthy kristiansund no Christen Johnsen Mecklenborg. They had a litter of successful offspring.
But when Christen died, married dog bell for door Margrete dog bell for door with the equally wealthy bachelor Frantz Lorentzen Lund, who had arrived Storfosna from Flensburg in Schleswig-Holstein. So it was that Frantz "on Einset" could be a guardian for the children of Margarethe minor siblings in Nordland.
Not enough, bishop's dog bell for door son Anders Bredahl children need

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