Thursday, December 12, 2013

Inge Kloepfer, is economist and journalist for Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung Sunday newspaper, wr

Future Germany: Too many old and unqualified custom doorbell young | Information
But if the army of older people, according custom doorbell to demographers will populate Germany a few years, to have any hope of getting just a little around with the public, the district government had better get started on construction.
Europe's largest country will actually be older. The birth rate is extremely low, and they live longer. In other words, there are fewer to earn the money to support the growing population custom doorbell of elderly people.
The figures speak for themselves: In 1964 there was born 1.34 million children in Germany. Last year, just half, to 685,000. Politicians have looked on in earnest to improve conditions for families with small children and without improving the school system, so you could get more skilled workers out of the fewer hands you have.
Inge Kloepfer, is economist and journalist for Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung Sunday newspaper, writes in his just-released book 'In custom doorbell class revolt', which is about a Germany with growing custom doorbell class divisions, the German school system keeps kids locked in their ancestral steps on the social custom doorbell ladder .
The proportion of young people in Germany who leave school with virtually no qualifications, is 20 percent. Ever fewer young people will not just provide an increasing number of old, but also many unqualified peers.
"We have gone from being an industrial society to a service society. Has not previously need uneducated custom doorbell people on the assembly line. These people can and should be trained, but the problem custom doorbell will still exist for some people - education or not - just not as much work as others. And when the public pension earned through the efforts of the labor market, we will have in the future a problem, "he says.
But he is more cautious about alarmist. Bomsdorf says to information that "makes many doom scenarios when talking about the demographic development in Germany, while other estimates paint it. How do you actually see it, is probably somewhere in between." The poor old
In Germany, there is not a tax-financed pension system. Here you earn the right to public pensions, while on the labor market. The size of one's pension depends on how long you have worked custom doorbell and especially how high a salary one has had and therefore how much you have paid. If you have been unemployed or self-employed and have not taken care to pay for a private pension insurance, you have to apply for 'basic custom doorbell security' (social assistance for the elderly) in his old age.
If you can afford it, you can secure a more prosperous old age by paying for the so-called Riester-Pension. It is a six year old pension scheme, named after the then Social Democratic Labour Minister Walter Riester. Riester-pension is a voluntary private pension savings, as employees and self-employed can place a certain amount of their salary, and the state also contributes. Riester-pension can not be waived custom doorbell or paid ahead of time. It will run for one's retirement. On the other hand the proof. If, for example, goes bankrupt, one's custom doorbell creditors do not touch it.
The scheme will be unattractive if you have had a short and poorly paid work. Here you have just saved over the public pension account. Coming less than 660 euros a month in retirement, you are entitled to the so-called basic insurance. But, at the same time also contributed to the Riester-pension, these money deducted from social assistance. custom doorbell Even if you have saved up so well you could end up with not getting anything out of his Riester-Pension. The retirement age up
You have the politicians tried to curb the problem that the number of employable people between 15 and 64 years in Germany today is 55 million, and in 2050 will be down to 44 million. Two years ago it was decided to gradually raise the retirement custom doorbell age, so the 2029 is 67 years.
"That you retirement age gradually up will help considerably. Additionally, more and more women in the labor market, also German. These two things together make the problem half solved," says Bomsdorf.
"If we work longer, there is more to pay. And when life expectancy increases, we need it. Obviously. Consequently, one can not say that people receive lower pensions because they first receive it, from the age of 67. For the live well so long at the other end. in 1960 could expect to live for ten years after it had been retired. Nowadays, one can expect to get a pension for twenty years, "adds male.
"A young generation because of a lack of skills is not or almost impossible to integrate into the labor market, have the same impact on the economy as a declining birth rate. For society as such it is even worse because the unproductive part of the young

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