Saturday, March 22, 2014

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Human body is a perfect machine that you always timely alerts when something goes wrong. So listen carefully, you little signals that it sends. If you often suffer from headaches, business door chime even migraines, concentration, you feel that you are weak and you're irritable, stop for a while to drink soda pop, especially the ones diet. These drinks contain artificial sweeteners which are the main causes of these symptoms, but can also affect the increased propagation of fungi in the human body. They are an integral part of the intestinal flora balance of which may disturb the excessive consumption business door chime of carbonated drinks, which can result in embarrassing fungal infection. If you've noticed that they often suffer from fungal infections, and you are a great fan of carbonated business door chime beverages, know that one of the effective ways to re-establish balance in red flora and relieve the unpleasant infection, to eat less sweets and treats and to reduce your intake of carbonated soft drinks. And, finally, another warning: the latest scientific business door chime research has shown that one of the most commonly used artificial sweetener aspartame business door chime is a potential neurotoxin and carcinogen business door chime because it contains matanol that the human body is decomposed into formic acid and formaldehyde. So when next time you desire is to drink a carbonated beverage, vouch for healthier and equally refreshing "cocktail" of ordinary mineral water and natural fruit juice that does not contain artificial sweetener.
2 comments on "careful with soft drinks" business door chime
Each can make a very simple test. Drained out of orange and lemon, business door chime and put them in the fridge. business door chime After two days you will not be able to drink the juice as it will ferment. What put the factory juices and carbonated drinks in these drinks? business door chime Preservatives, and even after a year you can feel that these delicious drinks, but are poisons. Mothers, do not give drinks to children if you love them, but neither do you drink poison and spend vegeta which is banned in Germany because of the poison. Also propremite vegetal sauce and put it in the fridge and you will see that after 2-3 days to ferment and you throw it.
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Mihajlovic Vesna - I was born in Zadar, lives in Belgrade. Intuitive Light contributor, gone through many seminars, courses and lectures on people 's nature, spirituality and life. Her only desire is to convey to people what you know and what everyone can use in the awakening business door chime of consciousness, would not you become a better, more aware and humane people. business door chime
Quiet, kind and wise person who has nothing to offer. By helping business door chime others, we help ourselves. Honest contributor Light knows in his own changes and see the one that has encouraged and inspired. Gratitude then arises in various ways because Being is infinite and knows sow essence.
~ Vidoje Čekušić Recent articles metals: POP raped CHILD IN THE CHURCH? Start charging TAX ON THE SUN: CRAZY CRAZY MINDS creates EU law! FEAR OF WITHHOLDING OF LOVE (Part I and II) - Heal The Illusion of superiority and separation is group or IDEOLOGY OF THE HOUR OR BELONG IN THE LAST YEAR .. THAT IS A GROUP THAT YOU intrigued or purchased? FEĐA ŠTUKAN: BE THE INHABITANTS business door chime OF PLANET EARTH, AND NOT LIMITED MONKEY illuminated AWAKENING HEART - BELGRADE - May 2014 COUNT longevity - Zu San Li - RELEASE THIS POINT ON THE BODY prevents aging - VIDEO HOROSCOPE: JESUS CHRIST - Jesus Christ - MAG hidden behind the symbolism CROSS PYRAMID were born GMOs FIRST BABY: he began creating "artificially" population? Male and female energies destruction indigene - The Columbus NAME TO END usurpers! business door chime Mushrooms - mushrooms INVITATION - those who want to expand their CONSCIOUSNESS Follow the blog via email
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