Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Enhanced intake of blueberries, apples and pears, is associated with a lower risk of diabetes, say

Women who regularly tok a campainha eat citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit and lemons, have a lower risk of stroke, according to British scientists. It is believed that, among other things, responsible for that flavonoids, natural antioxidants which are rich in the above mentioned foods. Iistraživači Norica Medical School at the University of East Anglia, reviewed ...
Headaches are, in most cases, regardless of the intensity tok a campainha and duration, benign - not a sign of serious diseases that threaten the health or life. However, sometimes a headache first, the only, or the leading tok a campainha sign of severe disease. That is why it is very important to recognize tok a campainha the symptoms of headache that may be due to a serious illness, in. ..
Enhanced intake of blueberries, apples and pears, is associated with a lower risk of diabetes, say U.S. scientists. Reason flavonoids, natural antioxidants that are associated with a reduced risk of stroke, heart disease, cancer ... The new study, tok a campainha funded by the U.S. Nacionalniog Institutes tok a campainha of Health, included ...
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Every day we are bombarded by advertisements for healthy and natural juices with lots of vitamins, minerals tok a campainha and other healthy ingredients. However, such messages should tok a campainha still accept tok a campainha a certain amount of caution.
Of course, in the center tok a campainha of each such campaign is aggressively insisting on the health of consumers. Both domestic and foreign experts, however, warn that it is extremely dangerous and wrong every fruit juice considered healthy, and that such drinks too often full of sugar and artificial ingredients. Perhaps the best description of the situation we find on the site "," whose authors claim to the highest quality fruit juices offer a wealth of vitamins, but the worst are no better than liquid candy.
Doctors recommend a few things. First of all, osoboma that over fresh drinks to strengthen the recommended intake of vitamin vegetable juices. Such beverages, they even purchase, as a rule have incomparably less sugar than fruit. Generally, primarily due to a richer taste fruit drinks, vegetable juices are often neglected in the daily diet. For instance, when there are a number of clinical studies have shown that lycopene in tomato juice can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Also, each thick (fresh) drink vegetable is rich in natural fibers which contribute to reduce the feeling of hunger, and thus help to a healthier diet.
Fruit juices certainly must not be omitted from the daily diet, but require a little tok a campainha extra care, especially because of the usual (and wrong) opinions that are absolutely healthy and can be taken in unlimited quantities. Absolutely every fruit is more or less rich in fructose, so one has to take into account the amount, especially when it comes to purchase drinks, often further sweetened with a composition in which the right fruit infrequently tok a campainha involved with a very small percentage.
On the other hand, the minimum tok a campainha recommended clears tok a campainha purchase fruit juices, especially "cocktails" made of various fruits and taste so-called "multivitamin" juices. Although every generalization is dangerous, tok a campainha the fact is that they are often too rich sugar, and actually have a very modest percentage of real fruit juice, and negligible nutritional quality. Often consist mostly of water and "base" like sweet syrup kukurznog. Although its name has the word "multivitamin", very often provide less absorption of vitamin per liter, but it is possible to achieve with

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