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I see it from the outside and feel yet somehow affected: heath zenith wireless doorbell the as

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Posted on 9.2.2010 at 18:54 clock
I see it from the outside and feel yet somehow affected: heath zenith wireless doorbell the as "literary prodigy" celebrated Helene Hegemann her novel "Axolotl Roadkill" written in huge parts of the novel "Strobo" the blogger Airen, and she was caught - unfortunately only after the arts pages of the novel, praised in the highest terms. And while Hegemann confidently confesses to plagiarism, can it detect no regrets over her plagiarism and explained the whole thing so that it is just so usus just in their generation, begin many cultural journalists an undignified dance, just to avoid having to admit that you have made a mistake and the whole thing's just somehow gone shit. The people who would probably heath zenith wireless doorbell otherwise fight tooth and nail that their texts are only slightly rewritten used without reference of others, justify the plagiarism with outrageous references to the missing copyright term of the Middle Ages and the always existing practice, as the author to seek inspiration in earlier literary works. That they sometimes just equate this inspiration quote is for people who earn their money with writing, just embarrassing. Also the grounds that Hegemann's novel is a literary heath zenith wireless doorbell successful than that of Airen, does not justify the act itself may be a novel yet so well written heath zenith wireless doorbell - the story is his foundation. (Not least because it is a huge task for me to write a good novel.) And the foundations of "Axolotl Roadkill" was not just created by Helene Hegemann, but by Airen. Here's an aspect to bear that can not be easily done by a simple Thanks phrase on the first page of the book: Hegemann earned money from the work of another. Just as the novel was hyped, heath zenith wireless doorbell it probably deserves a lot more money than the person who provided the foundation for their success. Just is not. What does that say everything about the publishing industry? You can by the staff of the Ullstein publishing certainly not demand that they know every book published, especially when it comes from a small publishing house and did not sell particularly well. But did not have some alarm bells ringing in the editor, as he read the work? How likely is it that a seemingly not at the margins of society standing 17-year-old knows so well with drugs and nightlife heath zenith wireless doorbell in Berlin's clubs? I think the publishers are just too cool on very young people to sell them as new literary heath zenith wireless doorbell discoveries. heath zenith wireless doorbell A 17-year-old, whose father is known playwright is equally well suited for it as a 18-year-old who writes a Fickgeschichte, which is then hyped by the IMAGE to hot scandal book. Expected in the books of a very authentic portrayal of the life of today's young people, without calling in one's mind that large parts of it with the real life of German youth have hardly any points and just only describe fantasies or dreams, at least as alive in young people are as in 30 - or 50-year-olds. A teenager who writes about sex and hard drugs is about as believable as an angler, who describes with shining eyes, that he had pulled a 25-pound carp on land just two weeks ago. And yet, the publishers take the stories from blue-eyed teenagers, they would ten years his senior authors reject as "too unrealistic". There are the celebrity bonus for television personalities, heath zenith wireless doorbell and there are the youth bonus for young girls who write about sex and intoxication. Would not be so bad if not for the claims would be so much lower than everyone else who sends his work to publishers. If the hype surrounding "Axolotl Roadkill" heath zenith wireless doorbell has shown, it is that even young authors give too little thought about the value of intellectual heath zenith wireless doorbell work. In Japan, several heath zenith wireless doorbell careers of illustrators and authors in recent years have been ended dramatically when they were detected plagiarism - the part of publishers called back all the works of artists heath zenith wireless doorbell from the book trade, even those in which nothing was plagiarized. So it should heath zenith wireless doorbell not go Hegemann, the best will not. If she's writing talent, they will continue to write and publish. But they must recognize the value of the work of others heath zenith wireless doorbell and learn to appreciate. heath zenith wireless doorbell To be fair: the need to learn and established authors. Ralf

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