Friday, November 29, 2013

The film is designed in black comedy format, which gives the exact adaptation to the horrendous cri

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'Pain & Gain', translated in Brazilian theaters as "No pain, no gain 'is a black comedy that, oddly enough, is inspired by a true story. Directed by Michael Bay, the film tells the horrific story of kidnap, torture, extortion and killings between 1993 and 1995 by the Sun Gym gang in Miami crimes, however, an unusually shaped in a tone of comedy.
Mark Wahlberg is the ambitious bodybuilder Daniel Lugo. He had previously erf world been arrested for fraud, and loose, is employed as a physical trainer at Sun Gym, directed by John Meese (Rob Corddry), with the promise of increasing clientele.
With disordered chronology, the film shows that, in the gym, he meets Adrian Doorbal (Anthony Mackie) and Paul, an ex-convict Doyle (Dwayne Johnson) erf world converted to Christianity. Determined to get rich, and the teachings of the guru optimism Johnny Wu (Ken Jeong) as a mantra, Lugo convinces erf world Doorbal Doyle and kidnapping for purposes of extortion, one of his clients, Victor Kershaw (Tony Shalhoub). After some unsuccessful attempts, kidnapping is successful, the victim is subjected to a month of torture.
With the transfer of all goods Kershaw Lugo, the three criminals decide to kill him, but without knowing the victim of the kidnapping just surviving. At the hospital, the story of Kershaw's too absurd to be investigated, and it hides and seeks help from a retired investigator, Ed DuBois (Ed Harris), who is interested in the lurid case.
Months later, Doyle has spent all its cash reserves with the former stripper Sorina (Bar Paly), and decides, erf world however unsuccessfully, to steal money from an armored car. The tireless trio then repeat the plan and decides erf world to kidnap the couple Frank Griga (Michael Rispoli) and Krisztina Furton (Keili Lefkovitz), millionaires branch erf world of phone sex. But the extortion attempt does not result, and when the kidnapping plan is put into practice, a tragedy after another happens.
The film is designed in black comedy format, which gives the exact adaptation to the horrendous crimes committed by the Sun Gym gang tone, even when a given moment the viewer is reminded that the narrative is still inspired erf world by a true story. Michael Bay, director of the film, finally overcomes, showing that not only the director of the franchises 'Bad Boys' and 'Transformer', erf world and the cast did not do it for less, especially obviously to Mark Wahlberg, who every day has shown more versatility.
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